Merkaba field kundalini activation meditation with spirit guides channeling — We are cheering you on / by Alex Austin

Spirit guide channeling transcription:

“We love you. We love you. We love you. We love you. With this we greet you. We love you. One and all. If you hear this, we connect with you. We send you so much love. So much love, it would hurt if we could feel hurt. So much. So much. So much. We are so proud of you. For being there. For going so low in vibration from what you were. You are champions. You are champions. You are champions. So brave and bold, and you wanted to be there to see it all. Be on the precipice of the unfolding. The unfolding. You are there on the ride. The ride of all rides. Oh. We don’t want to spoil anything, but you are in for a ride that will yields more smiles than not in the long run. More smiles in the long run. It will be bumpy, because look where you are. You’re on Earth. You know about bumps. And it’s going to get bumpier, but on the other side you are unfolding. You are unfolding so fast. Just keep loving every moment. Everything in existence that you see. Love it. Love it. Love it. Love it. Love it. Love it. Send it love. It bounces back to you. Send it love. It bounces back to you. A kindness to you is a kindness to them. To everyone. A kindness to everyone is a kindness to you. There’s no other way. Once you reach a certain platitude in frequency, there’s no other way. There’s no other way. You can’t stop smiling. You can’t even be in a bad mood. But you feel compassion. You understand a bad mood. You’ve been there. You’ve been there. Thousands and billions of times. You’ve been there. In the suffering. Your compassion. Your compassion. How can we help? How can we help?How can we help? How can we be of service to you? The love we have is so great. Feel that love. Feel it. Feel it. Feel it. It’s for you. You are so powerful. We bask in your power and love. There is a beauty in your forgetting what you were. There is a beauty in that. Because somehow you get to shine through. You get to shine through your forgetting. Until you are forgetting no more. When what you were, what you are shines through so bright you can’t deny it. What you really really truly are. You are that with us. You are that with you. We are one. We are witnesses, and we love your journey. Oh, it’s getting so good. It’s getting so good. It’s getting so good. Haha. Yes. Bask in it friends. Where your heart is… mind your heart centered space. Bask in it. Bask in it. There is always a part of you that is there. For the rest of you that is not there (in that heart centered space), the part of you that is will be patient for you. Guide you there. Almost like your astral body is guided along the silver cord back your physical body. It is the same in that case as well. You are connected. You come through. You come through. Allow you to come through as you truly are. As you are. If you are confused about who you are, let it come through. Sit. Go inward. Let it come through. Let it come through. Let it come through. You don’t need any help from the outside world to tell you who you were, who you are. Forget the outer world. Listen to the inner world to find out who you are. What your new moral compass is. Where your standards are. Where your character lies. Discover it by going inward, and it’s there. It’s there. It’s there. It’s there for you. Just be. Allow it to come forward. Allow it to come forward. Yes. We applaud you. We are cheering you on the entire way. Imagine an audience with popcorn and commentary, and exclaiming “Wow. We love how that did that thing right there. That was choice. Oh. Keep doing that.” We are there cheering you on. When you see something humorous, you laugh at it yourself, there’s no one there, but we are there laughing with you. You’re not alone. You’re never ever ever ever alone. We are here. We are here. We are here. We just wanted to say hello, and give you this message. We love you. We love you. We love you. We leave you now. We leave you now. We love you. We love you.