Spirit Guides Channeling — Introductions to the guides / by Alex Austin

Spirit guide channeling transcription:

“Mmm. Yes. Yes. We love you. We love you. We love you. We LOVE YOU. We love you. We love you. Mmm. Yes. You are feeling wonderful wonderful sensations. You are an expert at opening portals to higher states. We applaud you. We admire this. What should we talk about? What do you want to hear? What do you want to know?

Alex has a query. In communicating with his spirit guides like this, like we do now, he is curious as to the identity of his guides. Who is it that is coming through strongest? If it is a collective? It feels like a collective. It may be the answer. It definitely feels like more than a singular connection. It feels many, many, many, many. It feels like the tendrils, the threads to all his different spirit friends kind of at all times. With all those… anyone in history… past history, future history, anyone, he can connect with at anytime. He knows this. He knows this because of of the illusion of time and space. Time and space is an illusion. So if time and space is an illusion, you can punch through and access any point in time/space. In space and in time. You can access information in any moment, anywhere. Future, present, and past of course. But those are all happening concurrently right now. The linear perception of past, present, and future occur just because we are on Earth. It because we are revolving around this planet at this time that we are having the linear perspective. But this IS A GIFT. I know it has limitations and causes illusion, but it is a gift. All is happening now. All that has happened and all that will happen is happening now in this one moment.

That is why in meditation that it is so important to capitalize on the present moment. What do you want to do in the present moment? It is infinite. Your choices, how creative you think, how you can imagine. What can you imagine? Of wanting to know… going somewhere… Is there a desire, a pull to know about something? Curiosity? Well then. That’s your coordinates for gathering the information in time and space. Or visiting in time and space. That is for the advance students though. But first, what is easiest is to see that moment in time and space in your mind’s eye. Witness what occurred. If you were there, you will see you. You will see the truest sense of what happened. You will feel the truest sense of what happened.

It is important to remember. There are many different realities. There are many paths. You want to notice which timeline channel you want to stay in. That’s such a preposterous choice of word. Apologies. There is no channel. It is so fluid. The way your multiple dimensionality works. It is so fluid. We want to take away words that don’t make sense. That doesn’t make sense. There are infinite realities of everything. Infinite. Infinite. Infinite. So when you choose to be in a timeline such as this, pay attention. Why did you choose this? Maybe this is just what resonated. Maybe this is just what resonates with your soul. You’re learning, but moving up. You’re not in a terrible place. You’re learning, but moving up. You’re safe. You’re learning, but moving up. That’s what this timeline offers. You have safety, and lots of growth, and growing pains. Incredible growing pains, but the growth is coming. Your growth. The expansion of your consciousness, the evolution of your consciousness is occurring in this timeline in a beautiful way. One could say a dumpster fire way. But would you pay attention if it weren’t in a dumpster fire like way in some areas? You needed alarms to get you out of your comfortable place. To find your new place that better suits you. As your consciousness expands, you give yourself room for that to happen. To be more yourself.

Alex points out there hasn’t been a clear answer as to the identities of his spirit guides, with whom we speak right now. Yes. We don’t know how comfortable you are. We don’t know if that even works. A label. Names and words are much more your bag baby, and much less so ours. It is hard for us to describe so in words who WE ARE. We are love. We are friends. You KNOW us. We are you, in a sense. Yes. Very much so. You are about as much a part of us as we are of anything else. An aspect of your higher self is probably what you are looking to hear. And that is pretty darn accurate.

But of course we are many aren’t we? Yes, Alex. You’re observing this collective framework. Isn’t it interesting? All the consciousnesses just flowing together? Bouncing ideas off of each other. Man, they bounce ideas of each other, and it’s not confusing. All the ideas are heard in the collective. And you can feel the tickling excitement of the conversation within the collective amongst the other consciousnesses. You can feel the excitement of like “Wow! What a notion!? I like that idea. What about this? What about that? What about this? What about that?”

You are so helpful. You all are. Of course we all are. We all are in service of you. But you can see how we are trying to be of service to you in our mental musings. Our mental musings are… We are observing you and delighting in your progress. We’re thinking of other ways that we can help enhance your progress. Whatever kind of wonderful breadcrumbs we can leave you. Whose to say they are wonderful. They may be quite crummy if you encounter those crumbs at the time. But you are right Alex. Everything has a blessing. It’s either recognized, or it’s not recognized until maybe later. Frustrations happen. Irritations happen. When you breathe, relax your perspective, alter your perspective until you feel gratitude and love. Yes. You have made another observation this week. You spent your entire day repeating a mantra of being grateful for something, and counting infinitely the things you are grateful for. You have noticed how that seems to manufacture more blessings. You gained more and more blessings within that day. You count your blessings, and they multiply. In action, you saw that in your physical reality. Yes. You’ve really been playing with that. Okay we are going to let you go. We know you are tired of this. This is new for you. We love you. We love you. Thank you for doing you. It is just a delight to behold. All of you. We delight in your bravery and spirit. We love you. We love you. We love YOU.