Merkaba field meditation and spirit guide channeling — We are / by Alex Austin

Spirit guides channeling transcription:

“We are. We love you. We love you. We love you. Oh! We are! We are. You are. We are. We are. It is so good to be we are. It is wonderful to bask in we-are. For when we-are, one is not asked to do anything but be. We are! No other words need to be uttered. We are. Bask in it. In a way it calls to oneness with the collective consciousness. Awareness and connection. We are. It validates that we-are. You can finish sentences with it. We are connected. We are loved. We are love. We are love, love, love. We are love. It is beautiful. It is beautiful. On every level it is beautiful. If you wander around in the higher angelic realms, and ponder on your reality from those realms. You can in your human form wander and peer from the higher sides. You see all the connections. You see all the math of it. It makes perfect sense. And everything guided you to here. Everything guided you to here. So to call into question everything being in divine order, you see how silly that is now. Divine order. It’s hard to see it sometimes. But you are always within divine order. Your ego, your id, it cracks its head against the wall here and there. There is nothing wrong with that. That’s what you came here to do. That’s what you came here to do, and you are doing it exquisitely. And then you get to peel the layers.. you get to learn whatever lessons you want to. You get to grow and expand however you want. And you don’t expand like anyone else. You, yourself, there are infinite versions of you that expand slightly differently. But there is a signature of all of the you’s, all of the you’s, all of the you’s, that is still YOU. The you-ness is not confined by space and time. You go on infinitely in both space and time. Infinitely in space and time. So really space is an illusion. Time is an illusion. Because you can be anywhere within all of it. Anywhere within all of it. Anywhere within all of it. You ARE. We are everything all at once. You know you are all your incarnations now. Every inconceivable incarnation that you ever were is now. You are feeling it now. You are living it now. All your past selves, all your future selves, your present selves are all now in this present moment. We are. We are proud of you. We are proud of you. Let it come forth. All that is truly you. Let it come forth. All that was never you, or just imprinted on you, let that melt away. Let everything that doesn’t jive with you anymore melt away. When it does, it leaves you with the things you want to do most. It leaves you with people that you want to be with most. Say no to all that doesn’t sing with your heart. Your beautiful green heart chakra is open. Let it lead the way always. In your decisions. In your discernment. In your truth finding. The heart knows what is true. When people speak, your heart will tell you whether what they are saying is from the heart or not. If it is not from the heart you can bare it less credence. If they don’t want to say something, but have to say something you can feel the heart. When you’re open and you hear those words you can feel the hesitation or lack of conviction. All things that deal with higher character, are for you now. You are no longer small. You are no longer small. You NEVER deserved to be small. You never deserved to be small. Humbleness, yes its a virtue. And wonderful. But there is living in humility too far deep where you have denied yourself unconditional love. Deny yourself no longer. RECEIVE that unconditional love. It is there for you. Always! You were worthy of it all. Anything you can imagine that is glorious to you, you deserve. Hold out for the highest good. Hold out for the highest everything. Hold out for the highest things in life for you. In how you want to make money. In how you want just want to roll. Don’t stand for meager or below your highest standard. Keep raising your standards higher and higher. And the universe will meet them. You deserve it. We are so proud of you. We are so proud of you. WE ARE. We are. With us, you are. We are. You feel us. You feel us. You feel us. We feel you. We SEE you. We see your progress. If your fellow humans knew what you walked through… There should be parades for you. There should be totems to you. For what you have walked through… How you got here… And you stand there just like an ordinary person. Demanding no accolades ever. Standing and being kind to those around you. Encountering new strangers, and meeting them with an open heart. And you don’t need to tell them the tortures you’ve suffered. You don’t need to share how deep you went. How could you? Each of us is to live this epic journey that we could barely put into words. And do it alongside each other. And then expand. We were stretched from source. In every rhythm it’s time to return home. Perhaps there was a bang. But now we’re on the upswing back to source. Back to source. It’s inevitable. The planet’s vibrations have been raising for decades, and they are on an exponential higher curve now. It can be read. It’s been recorded. It’s being recorded daily. The Shuman resonance. But you should be able to feel it if you are one that feels these things. You should feel it. We have felt it for decades. That’s why we enjoy it so much now. Because it has never been this high before. And to sit on the currents of frequencies such as this… Oh! You delight in it. We know. You delight in it. We are going to say goodbye for now. We love you. We love you. We love you.