Beyond Polarity / by Alex Austin

These thoughts came through as I pondered reactions around me to current events right now. There is a metaphysical saying “as above is so below”. In metaphysics there is much study about learning to find a balance between light and dark (masculine and feminine, etc.) energies. When one can integrate the opposing forces within oneself supposedly limitless potential and power can achieved.

“as above is so below”

In the story of Gautama Buddha, after pursuing answers to achieve enlightenment in suffering and pleasure he arrived upon the middle way. He found that following the path of extremes led him nowhere, but harmony, balance, and enlightenment arrived when we stopped offering up resistance to the extremes.

Should we not be able to achieve the same results if we too stop offering resistance to the extremes of political opinion? How do we do that? Perhaps just keeping a healthy distance from news feeds is a start. Take notice if a report triggers a visceral response within us. Underneath those different opinions we have many commonalities. We all want health and wealth for all. We all want freedom and justice for all. We just disagree on how those goals can be met. I have felt the mistrust of others that doubt my way of doing things is right. There are times when I try too hard to control the outcome of something things can get worse. As a team leader I’ve seen the more trust I place on my team, the more they earn it. The more I let go of my controlling ways the better things get generally.

When it comes to achieving balance, harmony, and enlightenment while distracting things are going in the world, I try to not offer resistance to it. I go within. I reassert my trust in the universe. It is warranted. The planet is still spinning, and there are still good things happening everyday. Gratitude fills me everyday for it all. There are people on this planet who’s mission it is to bring new ways of balance, freedom, and justice. I’m certain that the next wave of Nelson Mandelas and Dr. Martin Luther Kings are among us now gearing up to do their thing. I’ll cheer them on when they do.

Intuitively I know I have a different mission. We’re taught not to trust our politicians, and honestly I don’t trust most of them. But I’m going to have to trust that the universe will sort it all out. I have to trust that all the crooks will eventually slip up and out themselves. I went out into the streets as a protestor when I was a teenager. That not my bag anymore. My emotions are no longer someone else’s plaything. I am sovereign. My state of mind is my choice. I will not choose to ride the wave of polarity. Just like the Buddha discovered, it will take me nowhere. I choose the middle way.

I have enough shadow work to do. I have enough emotions to process. I have enough inner demons to forgive, bless, and integrate for myself. If I am going to face hard emotions, it’s going to be when it benefits my healing journey. I’m honestly going through a lot of that right now. My throat chakra has recently opened up. What that means is suddenly I am able to speak my truth when I was hindered before. As I face all the truths that come forward I discover that there is a lot that needs to worked through and healed for me. It isn’t easy. It’s actually really hard, but I’m glad to face these truths because I know I’m going to be a lot stronger and healthier in the long run.

Ascended masters were accredited with the ability of self mastery. They could let the rhythm of emotions pass through them while holding a neutral observer perspective. This inner bird’s eye view allowed them to choose to latch on to only the thoughts and feelings that raised their vibrational frequency. May we all be able to do that one day. Om mani padme hum.
