Eternally Present / by Alex Austin

I am living all my incarcerations right now. The ones I remember, and the ones I don’t. I am experiencing unique perspective from multiple forms right now. Many of these incarnations (in a linear view) are in the future and the past. Many of them are in this current time. I have existed as minerals, plants, animals, thousands of humans, humanoids, and higher beings. I know I may be interacting with other versions of me literally face to face at anytime. With this feeling and knowledge how could I not now approach all with compassion, lack of judgment, and unconditional love. An unconditional love I have learned how to adopt towards myself. I no longer want to live any other way. I don’t think I could. My old ways of thinking, and behaving can’t be returned to. I’m happy to be an example of what awareness, and compassion can be part of the new normal on Earth. I’m so grateful for everything. For all of you. Everyone one of you is brave and beautiful. Thank you for being here on this planet. It was a choice. I am grateful for your presence. Whatever your role, you have played your part beautifully. Thank you. I love you. 

I am excited about the presence of the energy portal monoliths all around the world right now. Physical removal of any of them won’t change their energetic effectiveness. They are assisting the frequencies of our shift right now. They will contain and transmute any lower vibrational frequencies still present that won’t be compatible with us any longer. We are experiencing a massive raise in vibrational energy right now. I have felt it building over the last year and half in a palpable way in my body. My consciousness and awareness has been expanding like a light switch fader rising everyday. I am continually dumbfounded by what was not obvious to me previously. The monolith technology is beyond our understanding, but is here to aid Gaia and all upon her in an energetic cleansing manner. In the last year when I’ve looked upon the crop circles, the codes within the sacred geometry patterns speak to me very clearly. My intuition is very clear regarding them. They have been meant as energetic tools containing healing codes for the planet an all upon her. The monoliths are similar to the crop circles. They arrive just as mysteriously, and they are helpful technology left by benevolent friends of humanity.

I am enjoying the gifts of each moment. The gifts that surround me are both tangible and energetic. The highs are getting higher as we approach this solstice. I can’t wait to feel what the universe brings us. Come on age of Aquarius.
