The Age of Aquarius / by Alex Austin

Years ago I came across a video interview of a channeler Barbara Marciniak. She shared some wisdom she received from those that she channels. It was verbatim to what I had received from my guides two weeks prior to that discovery. It was actually quite profound advice that changed my life. Then to hear someone else repeat the same very specific instructions was incredible. She had identified her guides as Pleadians. Where up until then I didn’t receive who exactly my guides were. I just knew I had many of them. That advice also allowed me to forgive myself and others quite effectively so that I was no longer blocked from loving myself and others unconditionally. That unblocking gave me access to an unlimited power source for any metaphysical task I might perform. That power source comes infinitely when your heart if fully open. Love is the key. When you unblock that pathway, it’s like opening a dam. To just let the ocean of love through is effortless. You then get to apply creativity, imagination, and compassionate intentions. 

I bring this up for a reason. It is now November 25, 2020. Since that time I began trying to find other channelers that share messages that align with what I receive from spirit. If they continue to resonate with me, I listen. It can be both validating and it sparks further contemplation within me which is healthy. This year of 2020 has been truly transformative for me. My vibrational progress has soared so much in this short time. It’s mind blowing. I’ve had time to meditate vast amounts everyday. One thing I’ve noticed. The majority of other intuitives out there seem to be reporting notes congruent with mine. The veil of illusion is getting thinner and thinner. While the frequency of the energies around us are increasing in vibrational quality. My side affects are: 

  • Absolute bliss

  • Just breathing feels like a euphoric drug

  • I can’t do or say things if they don’t resonate with my frequency anymore

  • Speaking my truth and living my truth isn’t an option anymore

  • Suddenly healthy boundaries are in place that allow me to cease nonsensical people pleasing

  • I can identify immediately if something being said is something that doesn’t resonate with me (that is 100% different than how I used to operate. It used to take me weeks to identify how I felt.)

  • My clairecognizance is much more confidently received. I know what I’m receiving much more clearly now.

  • All the illusions, and belief systems that I was taught now have almost zero influence on me now. My bullshit meter used to be vague and unreliable. Now it’s red hot on.

  • Now I know if my actions are in alignment with the law of attraction or not. I can easily choose the path that my intuition identifies for me.

  • The Raikov Effect seems to be working perfectly for me. I’ve picked up traits of very successful people that I’ve wanted to emulate. I used to be afraid to try certain tasks for fear of failure. Now I step out of my comfort zone all the time to do any task that will lead to my goals succeeding. I do research, make decisions quickly, and take action.

Another thing is many of these channelers are sharing predictions that a very similar to each other. Rarely have I witnessed that. I will say that I feel something big is coming because this change within me has been so vast in the last few months compared to the last five years. Here’s some of those predictions:

  • December 21, 2020 (the winter solstice) marks the actual beginning of the age of Aquarius. That it marks significant changes for everyone.

  • That those in power that are corrupt will no longer be successful in any wrongdoing or coverup. The new frequencies won’t allow it. We will be stepping even further into higher planes of existence.

  • There are predictions that neither of the two American presidential candidates will be in office next year.

  • That our financial and government systems will go through overhauls and refitting.

  • That there will be an exposure to deceit of the masses.

  • All these things will pave the way for a great time of healing.

  • It is said the we will be stepping into a new era or literally into a new earth paradigm.

I have had precognitive visions and dreams before. I can’t say that I have a clear vision of this future right now. My take is this. The future is what we make it. It is for us to manifest. It is up to us the steward what’s to come. I see those predictions as not anything to hold on tight to. If you do, that very action might make them null because of your quantum power and that attitude of fear thinking you’re not in control of your power. If you like those predictions, think of them as items on the collective consciousness of humanity’s Christmas wish list. You too can add to the strength to those ideas. Let us each create each of our realities in the best ways possible and let them coeless together to create some spectacular new realities. We are co-creators. Our realities (that we individually create) merge together with those we connect with. I believe that is why relationships change so much everywhere. As we grow and change our frequencies our compatibility with others change. If your instrument changes you might need to find a different band to achieve a better harmony. These different co-created realities form the network of multidimensionality. If you understand that it means you have power and control to choose. 

As far as what is to come in my reality, I feel like a massive door is opening energetically. This difference in energy that I feel is so noticeable different. It is palpable. Many are too distracted right now to pay attention to what there is to feel in the air. I’m not about distractions. Unless they are stress relieving distractions that make you feel good. I’m about sensing what I’m feeling. I’m about following the good feelings. If it feels like it’s a lower frequency (whatever it is) pay it less attention. Those are old earth paradigm related. They are fading away. They no longer serve you. It’s all about the vibes. Sensing them, and emitting them. You will recognize those in your new tribe. Your spiritually awakened tribe. Together we’ll hold space for those who’ve yet to awaken. Patiently. There’s no getting on a soapbox, and rushing anyone. All we can do is be, and work on ourselves. Go inward. Be present in the now moment. Everything is there.

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