Unity with All That Is / by Alex Austin

Right now I’m the present moment. 

When I think of how people’s emotional well being can hinge on events outside of themselves. I understand why they do. I do not choose to allow myself to be swayed by outside influences. I do not trust the true representation of the outside world compared with my inner knowing. I made a choice like this early in life. Each time my father’s favored sports team performed poorly he would be furious. Those around him were adversely affected by the vibration he held. I in turn decided I would not have an attachment to the outcome of a sporting event since then. I feel that protection of my frequency was an advanced understanding. There are many ideas that divide people. Contests between those ideas disrupt unity of a people that underneath their skin are more alike than not. I feel weary of any news that plays with our emotions (high or low) when an us vs. them story is involved. Everyone on this planet is my brother and sister. We are all facets of God/source energy experiencing unique perspectives that make our whole greater. Each time we think we face an enemy, it is an illusion. It is part of ourselves that we face. If you feel triggered or provoked, it is a grand opportunity for inner work. Perhaps there are emotions or beliefs that you can examine. See if they still serve you. If you will feel lighter to release them, release them. Your contentment doesn’t need to be affected by anything outside yourself. You are so much more. You are learning. Ultimately all that you really are is unconditional love. When you feel that unconditional love alive inside you, you don’t question anything. Because you know you are home. That is who you are. We are so proud of you and your progress. We love you. We love you. We love you. 
