Higher Self Integration / by Alex Austin

A squirrel just crossed my path. We paused and acknowledged each other. We took a moment, then I waved and said hello. He or she then nodded, waited a moment, then continued on their way. Squirrels are truly divine creatures. 

It’s been awhile since I wrote here last. My routines and cadences have changed over the last few months. I’ve been focusing on being present in my body and listening on what it’s been guiding me to do. I’ve been absorbing wisdom, higher frequencies, healing energies, and integrating them all with myself. This has been a time of rest and healing. I’ve been focused on listening to and following my intuition. I’ve been working in strong focused bursts on passion projects. My compulsion to do so has been too intense to ignore. Each time I get out of a bath or awake from a slumber I have had a driven impulse to create something that I feel will help manifest the future I have been dreaming of. I’m still doing my energy grid work for Gaia and all upon her, but it’s not in the cadence that I did before. My connection to all that is, my knowingness, is more present most of the time now. It is more of a way of life now. Ego pops up and tries to control things now and again, but less frequently now. Thank goodness. I have less amnesia about how ego’s control is an illusion. It only gets in the way of the wise plans the higher self already has in store. Listening to nudges from my higher self is my preferred method of operation now. May your day rock, and you feel the love that the universe has you. It is ever present and infinite. We love you. We love you. We love you. Om mani padme hum. 

Part II

I just did a grid work meditation. Whoa. I channeled my guides words through my voice just now. They had so much positive affirmations for me. They also had some advice and insights for me. Wow! Do I have cheerleaders? Yes I do! They are so encouraging. I felt their love for me. I felt their excitement for what I’m going through right now. Excitement for my level of connection, and for the work I’m doing. That put some wind in my sails. That was like the best warm and fuzzy hug from the universe ever. Thank you universe! Thank you guides! I’m so grateful for it all! Thank you!
