How Deeply Are We All Connected? / by Alex Austin

You know how when you repeat a practice you get better at it?

Like yoga, weightlifting, skateboarding, etc. Those are examples of practices that I’m familiar with. When that practice is yoga for example, you can stretch further more confidently. You feel stronger. You feel endorphins. You feel rewarded for your perseverance. My reward for my daily meditation and energy work is an ever increasing understanding of the nature of consciousness. Many truths that form words and concepts in my head are a repetition of what’s come through previously, but what they mean to me has progressed. My understanding before was pushing that comprehension muscle as far as it could go at the time. As more and more contemplation is exercised my understanding is deepening. I wasn’t ready for this level of mental lifting before, but exercising it everyday for years and years has made what I’m absorbing now possible. Please don’t think it won’t be fun quickly if you only start now. I’m just noticing my level of understanding was simply shallower than it is now. And many younger people now are much more advanced and talented with thinking and creativity than the older generations. Advanced adult concepts that didn’t even exist when I was young are child’s play to my children now. 

“Just as the snake sheds its skin, we must shed our past over and over again.” —Buddha 

Regarding the concept of ‘we are all one’. Is it more than a statement of some form of unity amongst the many? What does it mean to you? Long ago I was like ‘sure, that makes sense’. I didn’t know specifically how it might be so. I liked hearing it and saying it. I started having kundalini experiences during meditation years ago. Now I have them daily. I didn’t know that it was called a kundalini experience when I first had one. I had to research what I experienced was called by others. I bring this up because it pertains to the statement ‘we are all one’. During my first most intense kundalini experience I felt a strong current of energy so profound it forced my hunched-over back to straight like an arrow instantly. I could feel that current of energy shooting out through the top of my head (crown chakra) and continued to fly through me like water through a fire hose. While that was happening I felt that I was consciously connected to the universe and all-that-is. I felt a love and understanding for me, to me, and for all that existed (like I had never felt, but always wanted to). I knew that all the secrets of the universe were mine to know. That there wasn’t anything I couldn’t know instantly. Thousands of questions were asked telepathically, and instantly answered. It felt like I was home, surrounded by loving friends with wisdom there to guide me, and we were of one mind. So that saying ‘we are all one’ had some more significant meaning to me after that experience. 

Let’s go further. I’ve remembered other lifetimes during dreams and other experiences. During the last few years I’ve felt consciously connected to other selves of mine during meditation. I’ve felt connected to alternative reality versions of me, past versions of me, future versions of me, and other versions of me that are other incarnations being experienced during the past, present, and future right now. If my essence is fragmented to all of these vessels in time right now, I logically am much more than what you see here and now before you. 

One question I’m pondering now is: Do we all (everyone that exists) share one soul essence ultimately? It’s easy for me to grasp that ‘we are all one’ referring to the collective human consciousness. What I’m getting at is underneath it all, besides being connected consciously like birds are, on a deeper level do we share a soul? I have felt a conscious connection with all that is. I have felt a conscious connection to others around the globe. I have felt a conscious connection with past-away loved ones and friends. I have felt a conscious connection with my spirit guides (I am compelled to write down the wisdom I receive from them often). If I am fragmented amongst these other identities and there is a veil of forgetfulness that allows me to live these different perspectives to the fullest, then do my branches of soul connect to the base of one tree whose body is what we call all-that-is (God)? I feel that the answer is yes. I have often thought that we are all aspects of God having separate experiences for a very important reason like learning and growing is perhaps the main benefit. I have been thinking about this for years. Sometimes it feels like no big deal. Other times it feels like a lot to process. Accepting a concept like this fully takes everyday practice. I grasp it better the more I sit with it. The ego wants me to turn back and not think about it. The ego feels threatened. It shouldn’t though. It has served me well. What personality and uniqueness it offers will continue to be savored and enjoyed. We just ask that it share a little space to co-mingle with the rest of us. We love you. We love you. We love you. 

Pure consciousness, which is the heart, includes all, and nothing is outside or apart from it. That is the ultimate truth. —Ramana Maharshi
