
Allow your higher self to come in by Alex Austin

We are consciously merging with our higher selves. As we do so there is the part where we surrender the ego self’s hold of our consciousness. The ego is not to be judged or punished for any of its past. We wrestle the steering wheel from the clutching fingers of ego. We surrender. Then more of all of who we truly and eternally are can come in and guide us. This is one of the benefits of surrender. You give yourself a chance for your higher self to come forward. Your higher self knows more, sees more, remembers more, heals more, loves more.

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How Deeply Are We All Connected? by Alex Austin

YOU KNOW HOW WHEN YOU REPEAT A PRACTICE YOU GET BETTER AT IT? Like yoga, weightlifting, skateboarding, etc. Those are examples of practices that I’m familiar with. When that practice is yoga for example, you can stretch further more confidently. You feel stronger. You feel endorphins. You feel rewarded for your perseverance.

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Integration of Dark Verses Light by Alex Austin

As an empath I was just thinking about remaining neutral or shielding myself from what I would call negative feelings or impulses. Then the following thoughts came through. When it comes to what I would deem negative, dark or lower vibrational thoughts or beings. By classifying them as such can imply judgment. Now I use those terms merely as reference as to be understood.

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About These Meditation Notes by Alex Austin

I think I’ve been experiencing a slow gradual spiritual awakening since I was a child. Each new awareness would level up the depth of my understanding. I could take an inventory of my journey, and examine each of the ‘aha’ moments. I sometimes do that, by the way. While those ‘aha’ moments were enlightening, I was still often clouded by learned belief systems.

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4/4 Mass Meditation by Alex Austin

Whoa. I just participated in a 4.4.2020 mass meditation, and whoa. That was amazing. I could feel the presence of all the other grid workers and light workers working in unison. First I grounded, activated my torsion field, opened up my chakra points, and generated a huge merkaba field. I then made several declarations on my healing manifestations, energy transmutations...

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Ascension by Alex Austin

Nobody is not ascending. To the new elevated realities. At our own pace. Some individuals by their intuition are understanding a little sooner what our new awareness is telling us. What this new reality can be and how we can take steps to aid it’s quantum creation. How we can be healers, leaders, teachers, supporters and way-showers. It’s all in the present moment.

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Spiritual Evolution by Alex Austin

Our current state on Earth right now is like we’re nearing a state of mental development where we’ll soon be ready to accept the existence of extraterrestrials. Think of how on Star Trek they have a prime directive to not interfere or communicate with developing planetary cultures that is until they are ready for such contact. That is how it is.

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We Are One by Alex Austin

You and I are different aspects of source energy / God experiencing unique perspectives of the now. So to do a good deed to you comes naturally as it is a kindness to source. To let source know you acknowledge it in action. Boundless compassion and love envelope you. To know that everything is connected to source energy empowers giving all a free pass and love. Transmute the dark to light.

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Awareness Affirmation by Alex Austin

What do I mean by seeing that the emperor is wearing no clothes? When we tap into our new awarenesses of our higher selves, those who we once thought held power over us no longer have any power over us. It was all an illusion. It was just an idea that was somehow ascribed to. But that idea no longer has the power at all. It is being replaced with new ideas from the spirit world. From us.

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Holding Space and Frequency by Alex Austin

I know why I do not trust the media, taught history and science, religious dogma, current assumptions in general. Because of my experiences. I am trusting my understanding of my experiences and my intuition. Through a miraculous appearance of a tear in my retina I have ever greater clarity in waking visions.

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