Extraterrestrial Presence

Spiritual Evolution by Alex Austin

Our current state on Earth right now is like we’re nearing a state of mental development where we’ll soon be ready to accept the existence of extraterrestrials. Think of how on Star Trek they have a prime directive to not interfere or communicate with developing planetary cultures that is until they are ready for such contact. That is how it is.

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Kundalini State by Alex Austin

I am remembering who I really am more and more and retaining it more and more. I’m learning to go with the flow and be an observer of the present. Absorb the energy vibration of the present. Feel all the emotions, and thoughts course through me. Celebrate them. Accept them. Release them. Strip away more and more of the belief systems that have been hindering me.

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UFO Sightings by Alex Austin

During WWII (while my grandfather was fighting in Europe) my grandmother temporarily lived in Jacksonville. We were Bay Area Westcoasters. She told me about seeing cigar shaped and other very strange shaped UFOs often during that time. It mostly was during the day, and many people would gather outside and talk about them.

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Beyond the Illusions - True Freedom by Alex Austin

I want to talk about an evolving perception of reality. I might have a deeper understanding of all this a month from now. What most people have represented as their findings on how to define our reality to be up until now has been false or limited either by intentional omission or being brainwashed themselves. I understand now why the flat earthers are around.

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Accessing the Akashic Records by Alex Austin

A year or two ago in Book People I found Linda Howe's book How to Read the Akashic Records. This video below has a simple prayer that works in opening up the records for you. I just used it to uncover something a little disturbing (for me, but it's ok) I had been curious about in my past. It works. I felt like I was present in a sacred place. Like a hall of records.

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Beyond the Illusion by Alex Austin

Even though I have experienced and researched enough to know that we are not alone in this universe, I feel compelled to question it simply because all the main systems of information tell me to. Nothing to see here. Nothing behind the curtain. We're taught: "Surely the government and media would tell us the truth.

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Remembrance of an Astral Plane Experience by Alex Austin

In December I experienced being at an event in the astral plane during the dream state. A coworker and I were invited to an event where the President and selected important people were there. It was an event signaling our freedom as a people. I saw the president there in one of the halls. The walls were bright, and the ceilings very high. There were only

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