Accessing the Akashic Records / by Alex Austin

A year or two ago in Book People I found Linda Howe's book How to Read the Akashic Records. This video below has a simple prayer that works in opening up the records for you. I just used it to uncover something a little disturbing (for me, but it's ok) I had been curious about in my past. It works.

I felt like I was present in a sacred place. Like a hall of records. Kind of like something I saw in an episode of the original Star Trek. Lots of white light and rich dark wood. Halls and cylinders and bending of space and dimensions. It was like I was looking at everything there through a fish-eye lens. A guide was there too, assisting my navigational needs.

I asked what happened to me in July of 2017 when I woke up in bed one morning with what looked like a needle mark in my arm where I normally gets shots. But I hadn’t had a doctor visit or anything in a long time. It didn’t make sense. I felt intuitively like it was connected to reptilians. A few weeks before that time I had was commissioned to do a band’s album cover art. Their name was Hydra Plane so I wanted to create an illustration that looked like it was in multiple dimensions with a reptilian. I had had friends talk about them in the past when we would discuss paranormal subjects. Since I only had experience with seeing crafts but not creatures I decided to shelf the subject personally for me. It made me very uncomfortable, and I didn’t want to entertain the possibility of it being true. Again, it made me very feel uncomfortable. I could get behind most topics in the paranormal community, but I stopped there on that subject. I thought it silly and an example of going too far. But when people I respected talked about it I respected their information around that too, but put a pin in it. I didn’t want to think about it. I ended using the Gorn captain from the Star Trek television show as reference and inspiration for the project. But in my search on the internet for reference images I ended up going down a rabbit hole on YouTube around footage and speculation around reptilians within our society. I got freaked out and started feeling scared and paranoid. That’s when I woke up with the puncture mark in my arm. I thought I had gotten too close maybe, and I was brought in for interrogation. My impression from what I received when I asked my question of the Akashic Records confirmed this. About nine months after the needle mark incident, Jayme suggested we watch a certain TV show. It was called Deception (of all things) about a magician helping police in good faith to try to get his brother released from prison. I felt the show was coded with symbolism and hypnotic suggestions that were malevolent. In it (the show) he uncovered that a suspect was involved in the Illuminati and kept investigating. I felt a lot of anxiety and fear while watching it. At the end of the episode the intended takeaway was that they aren’t really bad, and that they could be an ally to the character. I was so creeped out knowing the truth and absorbing the knowledge that this show was trying to brainwash the masses. I think it somehow planted a suggestion that would act a marker to target me in an attack later that night as I slept. I am sensitive to energy devices around me and don’t like being around power substations, microwaves, etc. I felt a horrible energy wave like that directed on me as I laid in bed that night. It felt very bad. It gave me a headache and a bad feeling all over. Emotionally I felt fear, dread, terror and panic. In my mind’s eye I saw (for the first time in memory) the face of a white reptilian. I sensed it was trying to invade my mind, make me feel terror and feed on it. I worked really hard that night to stop it and put up an energy barrier of loving god energy around me. It worked, but I was shaken and it took about a week to feel better and feel like myself again. In the following weeks I noticed reports of many other intuitives having similar experiences that coincided with the timing of my perceived attack. I haven’t had anything quite like that happen since. I’ve been very proactive about energetically protecting my space since then. So when I went into the Akashic Records my impression validated my suspicions. I felt the pinch in my arm and the intention behind it. Who was behind it. It was the same impression I got when I was attacked last time. It wasn’t good. They were curious and wanted to keep tabs on me. I think I have been more and more successful in raising my vibrations and removing any energetic implants, tags, hooks, etc. But I feel I got a validation just now in the Akashic that that was a part of my history. 

2017, Digital Illustration

2017, Digital Illustration