Today my spirit guides asked me to describe what I see with my third eye. I share what I see both clairvoyantly and claircognitively. I also gain access to the perspective of my other selves. The transcription is below.
Read MoreClairvoyance
Blue moon time /
Upon the completion of my special full blue moon energy healing meditation for Gaia and all upon her… Many things came through. I grounded. I cleared my energy. I cultivated new energy from the cosmos. I generated a merkaba field. As I chanted holding that field in my mind’s eye I saw a large giant sized human shaped form of energy rise from the ground and enveloped me. If I can remember correctly these words came fourth.
Read MoreChrist Consciousness and Energetic Protection /
Regarding the spiritual energy within us and surrounding us: Even if someone isn’t super sensitive, I think most anyone can understand experiencing positive or negative vibes or energy. You may feel the energy of someone before you see or hear them. We can often write off what we sense to observations we make from body language or something like that.
Read MoreThe Kundalini experience and how it changed my life /
Hey friends. Today I felt compelled to make a video to talk about what it was like for me to have Kundalini experiences. These experiences were very profound, and I continue to have them all the time. My daily meditation practice has strengthened that ability to be open for it. I’d love to hear your thoughts on the subject in the comments below. May your day rock!
Read MoreMetaphysics, Trees, and Perceptions of Time /
Hey awesome ones! Today I felt compelled to talk about connecting to trees in meditation and the wisdom we can gain from them. I’m trying something new with a video format instead of just writing my notes down. I hope you enjoy this attempted new format. I’d love to hear your thoughts on this subject in the comments below.
Read MoreConsciousness Rising /
It’s June 11, 2020. I am so blissed out right now. I feel so high right now. No drugs were taken. No intoxicants were taken. I think I just experienced an 11:11 portal, or experienced an opening of some kind of a portal of unimaginable infinite energy. It felt similar to how I felt during the mass meditation on April 4th. I had a kundalini experience.
Read MoreAbout These Meditation Notes /
I think I’ve been experiencing a slow gradual spiritual awakening since I was a child. Each new awareness would level up the depth of my understanding. I could take an inventory of my journey, and examine each of the ‘aha’ moments. I sometimes do that, by the way. While those ‘aha’ moments were enlightening, I was still often clouded by learned belief systems.
Read MoreThird Eye Sight /
Some of that consciousness energy we see and encounter is connected to form and some is not. When focusing through the third eye properly you can see the patterns of energy. We are being bombarded and cleansed by incredibly intense energies right now. Ground with Mother Earth as much as possible to get the most benefit. You are never alone. We are with you always. We love you. We love you.
Read More2020 Looking Forward /
You know how birds know when to turn all at once. That’s how it works. Tap into what others are saying in the cosmos. Tap into what that other consciousness is conveying to you. Know that you are all connected. You can feel what’s coming. We’re all coming to that aha moment. Love, connection, abundance, heaven on Earth is resonating with us.
Read MoreCreator Being Consciousness /
We have sovereignty over what happens next. Go within. Recreate your reality. Everything has spirit in it. All spirit forms chose to take part in this. Our physical reality is formed by us. With this knowledge learn to be a creator or curator of the reality you want to manifest. You know what is true or not by going into the vibration of something.
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