Astral Projection

Incarnation Integration/Expanding Sense of Identity by Alex Austin

As the days have been progressing, a stronger understanding has been remaining during my waking hours. While my body sleeps, I’m remaining conscious of my time in the astral plane every night now. I’m retaining my memories of my lessons and interactions in the astral realm. This used to happen only periodically in the past. Now it is the norm.

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About These Meditation Notes by Alex Austin

I think I’ve been experiencing a slow gradual spiritual awakening since I was a child. Each new awareness would level up the depth of my understanding. I could take an inventory of my journey, and examine each of the ‘aha’ moments. I sometimes do that, by the way. While those ‘aha’ moments were enlightening, I was still often clouded by learned belief systems.

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Support for People with Psychic Abilities by Alex Austin

I’m thinking of starting a twelve step meeting group for people with psychic abilities. Maybe I’ll write twelve steps that correlate to people in that group. I just think it would be helpful for people going through this to talk with others in the same boat. It could help everyone be better at their abilities and understand them more too.

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The Akashic Records by Alex Austin

I have used visiting the Akashic records in the astral plane with success. Everything of our past and this planet’s past has been recorded in the ether in the Akashic records. The instructions and prayer in this video will help you to access it. You should have a sensation of leaving your physical body. There is a silver cord at the belly button that connects your astral self to your physical...

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Passed Loved Ones Connection by Alex Austin

I had a cosmic reunion with Jae (my college friend who passed away). We talked about that student film of mine we shot. The nature of the film. I was playing the one who died. He was the character that was alive seeing his dead friend by the train tracks that he died on. The characters were communicating between the physical plane and the astral plane of existence. That was just a student film.

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Astral Plane Experiences by Alex Austin

It is my experience that our dreams aren't something happening in our brains as we’ve been led to believe. Our subconscious is energetic, not biological. Our dreams are the remembrances of our experiences in the astral plane when our physical bodies sleep. We leave our physical bodies and can manifest our surroundings and interact with others.

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Supernatural Experience by Alex Austin

What if you saw a UFO or something strange? Saw someone exhibit super human abilities? Would you start to see the universe around you differently? That certain truths about science and reality are being hidden from us. There's many rabbit holes you could follow. One is why are certain truths hidden? Another is seeing how far you can go in discovering more about these truths.

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Sensing Energy by Alex Austin

Ok, I know this is weird to say, but there is so much love and light coming through this planet to all its inhabitants right now. I can feel it. It's almost obscene how much good energy there is flowing to everyone. Right now. I've been a conduit of it for some time now. I've just started to figure out that I can tap into it, and direct it in anyway I want to effect good around me.

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Remembrance of an Astral Plane Experience by Alex Austin

In December I experienced being at an event in the astral plane during the dream state. A coworker and I were invited to an event where the President and selected important people were there. It was an event signaling our freedom as a people. I saw the president there in one of the halls. The walls were bright, and the ceilings very high. There were only

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