
Christ Consciousness and Energetic Protection by Alex Austin

Regarding the spiritual energy within us and surrounding us: Even if someone isn’t super sensitive, I think most anyone can understand experiencing positive or negative vibes or energy. You may feel the energy of someone before you see or hear them. We can often write off what we sense to observations we make from body language or something like that.

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The Kundalini experience and how it changed my life by Alex Austin

Hey friends. Today I felt compelled to make a video to talk about what it was like for me to have Kundalini experiences. These experiences were very profound, and I continue to have them all the time. My daily meditation practice has strengthened that ability to be open for it. I’d love to hear your thoughts on the subject in the comments below. May your day rock!

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Beyond the Veils of Illusion by Alex Austin

IF YOU ARE A SEEKER OF TRUTHS OR WANT TO UNDERSTAND WHAT’S BEYOND THE VEILS OF ILLUSION THERE ARE MANY PATHS TO ACHIEVE THIS. One thread to pull on is: ask yourself “Why does the placebo effect work?” Answer: You are infinite eternal consciousness, and your thoughts shape and create your reality. Taught belief systems act like corrals that limit our thoughts and potential.

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Integration of Dark Verses Light by Alex Austin

As an empath I was just thinking about remaining neutral or shielding myself from what I would call negative feelings or impulses. Then the following thoughts came through. When it comes to what I would deem negative, dark or lower vibrational thoughts or beings. By classifying them as such can imply judgment. Now I use those terms merely as reference as to be understood.

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About These Meditation Notes by Alex Austin

I think I’ve been experiencing a slow gradual spiritual awakening since I was a child. Each new awareness would level up the depth of my understanding. I could take an inventory of my journey, and examine each of the ‘aha’ moments. I sometimes do that, by the way. While those ‘aha’ moments were enlightening, I was still often clouded by learned belief systems.

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Third Eye Sight by Alex Austin

Some of that consciousness energy we see and encounter is connected to form and some is not. When focusing through the third eye properly you can see the patterns of energy. We are being bombarded and cleansed by incredibly intense energies right now. Ground with Mother Earth as much as possible to get the most benefit. You are never alone. We are with you always. We love you. We love you.

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Receiving by Alex Austin

Observe the intuitive hits you receive. Pay attention to the suggestions, information and inclinations you’re receiving. These come both from your higher self and your spirit guides. If you go within properly there is nothing you can’t know. When you are fully present in the now you can access any information in the cosmos. Because you are the cosmos.

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Spiritual Evolution by Alex Austin

Our current state on Earth right now is like we’re nearing a state of mental development where we’ll soon be ready to accept the existence of extraterrestrials. Think of how on Star Trek they have a prime directive to not interfere or communicate with developing planetary cultures that is until they are ready for such contact. That is how it is.

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Awareness Beyond the Physical Senses by Alex Austin

After much research into all things metaphysical, after my dreams of other lives lived (where I thought and spoke in a language I’ve never heard, but I know it was Mayan and I was fully telepathic. I could know everyone’s thoughts and feelings around me. I forgave them of their ill intentions), after my precognitive visions, after my dreams that others in the dreams remembered the same...

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Holding Space and Frequency by Alex Austin

I know why I do not trust the media, taught history and science, religious dogma, current assumptions in general. Because of my experiences. I am trusting my understanding of my experiences and my intuition. Through a miraculous appearance of a tear in my retina I have ever greater clarity in waking visions.

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