
Embrace your feelings with compassion by Alex Austin

After I grounded and formed the Merkaba field I checked in with myself to see what should be acknowledged next. All my recent worries, stresses, and concerns popped up. I felt guided to pour unconditional love energy into each one. One at a time. As I took a breath or two to process each one, I felt the feeling. Then I embraced each of those feelings with compassionate love.

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What is free will by Alex Austin

Free will is said to be a universal law. The higher one’s consciousness is raised the more it is acknowledged and adhered to. For oneself and others. Imagine all of humanity eventually doing so. What does that look like? In this life we’ve been raised to be obedient to people, causes, dogmas, and ideas. We’ve felt obligated to such things.

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How to play with the quantum field by Alex Austin

So we are always playing with the quantum field. If you’re like me, you had no idea that you were actually creating your reality with your frequency. So I was blindly thinking self sabotaging thoughts randomly without realizing that they introduce specific feelings and in turn set my frequency. Whatever frequency we hold (if we hold it long enough) acts like a magnet.

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4/4 Mass Meditation by Alex Austin

Whoa. I just participated in a 4.4.2020 mass meditation, and whoa. That was amazing. I could feel the presence of all the other grid workers and light workers working in unison. First I grounded, activated my torsion field, opened up my chakra points, and generated a huge merkaba field. I then made several declarations on my healing manifestations, energy transmutations...

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Ascension by Alex Austin

Nobody is not ascending. To the new elevated realities. At our own pace. Some individuals by their intuition are understanding a little sooner what our new awareness is telling us. What this new reality can be and how we can take steps to aid it’s quantum creation. How we can be healers, leaders, teachers, supporters and way-showers. It’s all in the present moment.

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My Meditation Practice: Grounding, Torsion Field Activation, Merkaba Field Generation, Kundalini Activation by Alex Austin

To those who don’t consider themselves as expert meditators, I recommend spending some time warming up with some breath work techniques before you begin this meditation. Box breathing technique can be a good one to start with. Spend a few minutes slowly filling your lungs with as much air as possible. Count to a number in your head until your lungs are at capacity.

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Empowerment Affirmation by Alex Austin

If we can (and I believe we can) make generosity of spirit contagious we can move mountains. Any voices telling you that you can’t do something are illusions. Challenge any voice that tells you you can’t do something, if you want to do it of course. We hope you don’t become entertainment to those who think you easily provoked.

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Awareness Affirmation by Alex Austin

What do I mean by seeing that the emperor is wearing no clothes? When we tap into our new awarenesses of our higher selves, those who we once thought held power over us no longer have any power over us. It was all an illusion. It was just an idea that was somehow ascribed to. But that idea no longer has the power at all. It is being replaced with new ideas from the spirit world. From us.

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Holding Space and Frequency by Alex Austin

I know why I do not trust the media, taught history and science, religious dogma, current assumptions in general. Because of my experiences. I am trusting my understanding of my experiences and my intuition. Through a miraculous appearance of a tear in my retina I have ever greater clarity in waking visions.

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