Holding Space and Frequency / by Alex Austin

I know why I do not trust the media, taught history and science, religious dogma, current assumptions in general. Because of my experiences. I am trusting my understanding of my experiences and my intuition. 

Through a miraculous appearance of a tear in my retina I have ever greater clarity in waking visions. The tear was repaired with lasers, but I now I see lights and visions in regard to where that tear effected my vision. I have a pocket of retina that is no longer attached to the upper back of my left eyeball. It doesn’t receive the same information the rest of my retina is receiving. It’s like a crack in the lens that I can focus on and peer through. And then expand it. I’m grateful for that injury. 

So part of my journey is about letting go of the concepts that no longer serve me. I am releasing myself of the cage of taught belief systems. I’m shocked that other people still prescribe to these belief systems. It’s inevitable they will eventually see that the emperor is wearing no clothes. Everyone. I was just a little bit quicker on the uptake. I’m nobody special, but I have work to do. Hold this space. Raise the overall vibration. Be the usher. Here’s a pillow mister. Sit a spell. Get your bearings. Ask me any question you want to. Ready to cognitively be the creator of your new reality on the new upgraded version of Earth?
