Spiral Universe

Authentic Choices by Alex Austin

I have felt very different to those in my immediate surroundings for the duration of my life. From childhood to now. There has always been a narrative that you’ll be happiest if you can fit in and be part of a community. That has been the most highly recommended path to happiness. I have tried many times to join communities of various kinds. I have both failed and succeeded at this.

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4/4 Mass Meditation by Alex Austin

Whoa. I just participated in a 4.4.2020 mass meditation, and whoa. That was amazing. I could feel the presence of all the other grid workers and light workers working in unison. First I grounded, activated my torsion field, opened up my chakra points, and generated a huge merkaba field. I then made several declarations on my healing manifestations, energy transmutations...

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Power of Free Will by Alex Austin

Don’t act like you believe anyone else has control of your destiny. Your higher self is building your timelines, and your free will allows you to choose which ones to resonate to. Use your imagination more than ever now. What new amazing realities do you want to create and share with everyone? How can you bring love and joy to those around you? Compassion is an art form we can all master.

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My Meditation Practice: Grounding, Torsion Field Activation, Merkaba Field Generation, Kundalini Activation by Alex Austin

To those who don’t consider themselves as expert meditators, I recommend spending some time warming up with some breath work techniques before you begin this meditation. Box breathing technique can be a good one to start with. Spend a few minutes slowly filling your lungs with as much air as possible. Count to a number in your head until your lungs are at capacity.

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Awareness Beyond the Physical Senses by Alex Austin

After much research into all things metaphysical, after my dreams of other lives lived (where I thought and spoke in a language I’ve never heard, but I know it was Mayan and I was fully telepathic. I could know everyone’s thoughts and feelings around me. I forgave them of their ill intentions), after my precognitive visions, after my dreams that others in the dreams remembered the same...

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Lion’s Gate Portal Energies Assessment by Alex Austin

I looked at the clock when it was 1:11pm on August 8th (8:8). Time for the opening of the lion’s gate portal energies coming from beyond to us through the Earth. Auspicious energies are afoot. Right now. Can you feel it? An elevation of frequency is raising everywhere. Everything is leveling up. We’re processing hard emotions. I feel it in my bones. I’m shifting into a higher and higher frequency.

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Lavish Synchronicities by Alex Austin

Today I had an uber synchronistic day. We were walking from two different directions on the same block and came to the same corner at the same time. That’s how I ran into my good friend Jesse Prejean who’s a very talented energy healer. I was just thinking about him, and wanted reach out to him. As we jumped into a lively metaphysical conversation, we witnessed a butterfly appear and fly...

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UFO Sightings by Alex Austin

During WWII (while my grandfather was fighting in Europe) my grandmother temporarily lived in Jacksonville. We were Bay Area Westcoasters. She told me about seeing cigar shaped and other very strange shaped UFOs often during that time. It mostly was during the day, and many people would gather outside and talk about them.

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Connect to Spirit by Alex Austin

I think some of the hard emotions I’m going through right now are a catalyst that’s releasing something for me. And maybe that will prepare me for the next thing. Make it possible. Sometimes the linear build up has to follow a particular order to effect your reality. Breadcrumbs to a path you are creating right now. This linear view of time and reality is an illusion. Because all is now.

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Acknowledgement by Alex Austin

I want to acknowledge my mother. She has been great to me. Since I was a baby she was such an incredible role model. She passed all of her intuitive wisdom to me. As soon as she had pearls of wisdom she shared them with me. I don’t think if my parents stayed together she would have felt free to parent me in the style that she did. She wanted to live her truth and live...

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