Acknowledgement / by Alex Austin

I want to acknowledge my mother. She has been great to me. Since I was a baby she was such an incredible role model. She passed all of her intuitive wisdom to me. As soon as she had pearls of wisdom she shared them with me. I don’t think if my parents stayed together she would have felt free to parent me in the style that she did. She wanted to live her truth and live, think and behave in her own style without compromising to show good graces to societal norms that my father adhered to. When we were ostracized from church, she delved deeply into exploring other spiritual paths (especially those of eastern philosophy) and took me along on that journey. She gave me my first I Ching book with some coins when I was ten. She only bought us natural food. She took us to the theater and cinema constantly. Mostly musicals and foreign and art house films. She took me to study under art teachers. She took me to energy healers and clairvoyants. She took me to get a very expensive color reading in San Francisco. Apparently I am a fall colors person. She always gave me her support and blessings. She didn’t approve of my tattoo and various other things, but she always believed in me and was there for me.

Twice when I was in mortal danger she empathically felt it immediately. Once she sprang into action so fiercely her fast action saved me from getting jumped by three drug dealers. That time I called her, she knew I was in danger and jumped into her car immediately in her pajamas (she never goes anywhere not all put together). I didn’t see the threat of my would be attackers until right before she arrived. I had to flee them on my bike with a flat tire. Her arrival made them vanish, when moments before the three of them were sprinting for me silently. The other time I was crossing an intersection on my bike when I should had been killed by two cars racing each other up Meridian towards Dry Creek Road well above sixty miles an hour. The two cars didn’t even have enough room in their lanes to avoid me without hitting the islands bordering their lanes. I threw up my arms looking into their headlights and screamed “Nooooooooo!!!!!” in protest, not wanting my life to be over this soon. When they didn’t hit me it felt like a miracle. It didn’t seem possible that they could miss me at that speed in that amount of space. I think I had angelic assistance. One car tried to screech to a stop. It took them about 150 feet to stop they were going so fast. The other car didn’t slow down at all and was gone in seconds. With my new lease on life, I pedaled my bike so hard and fast down Dry Creek Road screaming the whole way. Invigorated that I was still alive. When I got home my mom said “Are you alright. I was just now feeling worried about you, and that you need a helmet.” See? She’s been tuned in and has been my protector for a long time. Thanks Mom. Wow. Did I luck out. 

She was the sage that laid the ground work for the further wisdom I was to gain on my own. Not that I’m ever really on my own. I always have my backup support team posse in effect in the spirit world. But she made it okay to ask the questions I was asking. She made lots of the unnormal normal. I went very deeply on topics she introduced me too. Like spiritual and philosophical thought.
