Beyond the Illusions - True Freedom / by Alex Austin

I want to talk about an evolving perception of reality. I might have a deeper understanding of all this a month from now. What most people have represented as their findings on how to define our reality to be up until now has been false or limited either by intentional omission or being brainwashed themselves. I understand now why the flat earthers are around. They are someone for us to ridicule that challenges today’s “science”. Pawns to bully and teach others not to challenge the accepted science community. They are actors like celebrity scientists are (think Bill Nye or Neil deGrasse Tyson). Get caught up in the show. Nothing to see here. That scientist Tesla, who’s patents were secreted away by the powers that be, well we’re going to draw your attention to away from his free energy inventions. We’ll keep that technology for ourselves, and let you keep dying for oil. Human debt and money aren’t real. Government… They are only ideas. Imagine if we all said I don’t want to play that game anymore. Feel like a slave yet? But when you open your eyes to what our reality is, and buckle up because there are thousands of layers to absorb and go through. And as you move through this you begin to see how free you truly are. The orchestrated slavery system no longer has any relevance or power over you. Once you see the only bars were taught concepts and belief systems, and how illusory they were. You become free. And you learn how to operate differently. Take destiny into your hands because now I know my obstacles were illusions. Simply believing a bunch of lies made the human race similar to cattle in a sense. Nothing to see here. But once we see both the dark and light forces at work and know that they connected, one and the same. Both from the source creator. As I am. As you are. That is why a kindness to you is a kindness to me. What happened in the world is first manifested by us. We are the creators. We all have had quantum manifesting powers all along. But when you don’t know the real ways of the game. And you let your subconscious self drive the bus manifesting your reality while asleep at the wheel. Coupled with you’ve been indoctrinated with misinformation about how powerful you and all humans really are. It’s bound to have been a bumpy ride for most of you. It was supposed to be bumpy. 

I liken it to growing to a height where now you can see out the windows of a car and you can now see the landscape. Where you couldn’t see any landscape before. You could only speculate or hypothesis on what that landscape was previously. 

Well now that you can see the landscape, you are free to drive this reality right where you want to. With your eyes and heart wide open. Show those laws of physics who’s boss. 

Happy motoring. 
