Energy Work

Blue moon time by Alex Austin

Upon the completion of my special full blue moon energy healing meditation for Gaia and all upon her… Many things came through. I grounded. I cleared my energy. I cultivated new energy from the cosmos. I generated a merkaba field. As I chanted holding that field in my mind’s eye I saw a large giant sized human shaped form of energy rise from the ground and enveloped me. If I can remember correctly these words came fourth.

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What do we do when we encounter darkness (lower vibrational frequency)? by Alex Austin

There is a paradox being wrestled with right now. Some matters are not so simple for many who have had spiritual awakenings. If your extra sensory perceptions come online, or you consciousness expands certain truths become evident. The world we’ve been residing in is pretty complex. Things get turned upside down. Things we once trusted, we no longer do.

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How Deeply Are We All Connected? by Alex Austin

YOU KNOW HOW WHEN YOU REPEAT A PRACTICE YOU GET BETTER AT IT? Like yoga, weightlifting, skateboarding, etc. Those are examples of practices that I’m familiar with. When that practice is yoga for example, you can stretch further more confidently. You feel stronger. You feel endorphins. You feel rewarded for your perseverance.

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Consciousness Rising by Alex Austin

It’s June 11, 2020. I am so blissed out right now. I feel so high right now. No drugs were taken. No intoxicants were taken. I think I just experienced an 11:11 portal, or experienced an opening of some kind of a portal of unimaginable infinite energy. It felt similar to how I felt during the mass meditation on April 4th. I had a kundalini experience.

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4/4 Mass Meditation by Alex Austin

Whoa. I just participated in a 4.4.2020 mass meditation, and whoa. That was amazing. I could feel the presence of all the other grid workers and light workers working in unison. First I grounded, activated my torsion field, opened up my chakra points, and generated a huge merkaba field. I then made several declarations on my healing manifestations, energy transmutations...

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My Meditation Practice: Grounding, Torsion Field Activation, Merkaba Field Generation, Kundalini Activation by Alex Austin

To those who don’t consider themselves as expert meditators, I recommend spending some time warming up with some breath work techniques before you begin this meditation. Box breathing technique can be a good one to start with. Spend a few minutes slowly filling your lungs with as much air as possible. Count to a number in your head until your lungs are at capacity.

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Empowerment Affirmation by Alex Austin

If we can (and I believe we can) make generosity of spirit contagious we can move mountains. Any voices telling you that you can’t do something are illusions. Challenge any voice that tells you you can’t do something, if you want to do it of course. We hope you don’t become entertainment to those who think you easily provoked.

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Enlightenment by Alex Austin

It’s all about enlightenment. That’s what I want. That’s what Jesus thought, pursued then taught. That’s what Buddha thought, pursued then taught. I’ve absorbed wisdom from Tibetan lamas’ teachings, shamans’ teachings, the esoterics of Egypt and around the world. Much of what they teach is the same but from each a unique perspective.

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Lion’s Gate Portal Energies Assessment by Alex Austin

I looked at the clock when it was 1:11pm on August 8th (8:8). Time for the opening of the lion’s gate portal energies coming from beyond to us through the Earth. Auspicious energies are afoot. Right now. Can you feel it? An elevation of frequency is raising everywhere. Everything is leveling up. We’re processing hard emotions. I feel it in my bones. I’m shifting into a higher and higher frequency.

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