Blue moon time / by Alex Austin

Upon the completion of my special full blue moon energy healing meditation for Gaia and all upon her…

Many things came through. I grounded. I cleared my energy. I cultivated new energy from the cosmos. I generated a merkaba field. As I chanted holding that field in my mind’s eye I saw a large giant sized human shaped form of energy rise from the ground and enveloped me. If I can remember correctly these words came fourth. 

“I love you. 

I am one with the Christ consciousness. 

I am one with the Christ consciousness. 

I am one with the Christ consciousness. 

I am shadow and light. 

Shadow is illusion. Light is truth. 

Separation is illusion. Unity is truth. 

Shadow is teacher. Light is student. 

Shadow is illusion.

Shadow is illusion.

Shadow is illusion.

Shadow is illusion. 

Shadow is illusion.

Shadow is illusion.

Shadow is illusion.

Shadow is illusion.”

As I repeated those words I saw tons of shadowy forms expelled from an energy field. Over and over again. Like puffs of smoke. Each proclamation pushed them out one bunch at a time. Until There was no more to exorcise.

“Thank you for your lessons shadow. 

We love you. We thank you for your service. 

Go with love now. Join the light. Become light. Become unity. Be illusion no more. We love you. We thank you for your service. 

Unity is truth. 

Unity is truth. 

Unity is truth. 

Unity is truth. 

Unity is truth. 

Unity is truth. 

Unity is truth. 

Unity is truth. 

This medicine is for you Gaia, and all upon you. This energy is for you. 

This healing is for you. 

This awareness is for you. 

This love is for you. 

It is infinite. 

It is unconditional. 

I am a vessel for the source of all that is. 

I am a conduit for the source of all that is. 

For this infinite power. 

For this infinite love. 

To come through me to all of you. 

It is infinite. 

It is for you. 

We love you. 

We love you. 

We love you.”

When I opened my eyes I didn’t feel any separation from the outside world around me. The clouds, the sky, the trees, the birds… There were all beautiful to behold. I felt they were all a part of me. I was a part of them. I felt a unity with all things. It was beautiful.

I hope you enjoy the frequencies among us right now. I hope you feel some sense of ease. I hope your burdens lighten. I hope you feel some sense of peace. Whether you feel it or not this unconditional infinite love is sent from me to you. You who are reading this. I love you.