Be of service / by Alex Austin

During my morning meditation today I verbally channeled my spirit guides. Sometimes that happens more and more. Sometimes the words just pop into my head, and write them down as they flow through me. Other times the words just come out of my mouth. Each time it happens I am in a state of bliss, and am flooded with their higher emotions. As I am with their messages and lessons. Minutes later wrote down here their message as best as I could remember it.

“We love you. We love you. We love you. We love you so much Alex. We are so proud of you. You have come so far. You are understanding so much more than you ever have before. You are holding so much light. You are a master. Know this. You will be of service to others simply by being, and holding that frequency. You are well receiving our transmissions of emotions. Words are so limited, where emotions are not. You feel what we feel for you and what you’re doing. We couldn’t be more proud. Not only are you a shining example to those around you, but you are a shining example to us. We marvel at how one can hold such frequency in such density. You are very brave. It is not an easy thing that you do. You do it so well. We are impressed. We hold you in such regard. We love you. We love you. We love you.”

It’s been awhile since my last meditation note. Usually my cadence is twice a week. I have been surrendering to new habits of purposeful action, and rest. I was focused on finishing my first zine Quantum Picnic #1. Actually seeing it selling in stores and on my website was a surreal and amazing experience. It was like a dream come true. I was no longer an imposter with empty promises of publishing my own books. I suddenly have tangible products that are desirable to people. I am also going through some major life changes right now, that I may speak to more later.
