Notable Changes / by Alex Austin

I can report some notable changes in me. There is less internal conflict. My ego self fought as I released older concepts, misconceptions, paradigms, theories, belief systems, resentments, polarized stances, and past traumas. I wanted to release all those things. It was necessary to heal and prepare for what’s next. My ego self didn’t fight it all the way. It just starts out that way. There is a resistance to growth at first. There are stages of revelations, emotional processing, grieving, mourning, and releasing. The inquisitive student finally has reached a level of understanding not previously held. Make no mistake the student remains humble knowing the quest for higher knowledge does not end. Even perhaps when one returns to source. To our highest possible rung of consciousness. Ever will there be curiosity. It’s just that most of the questions tormenting the student of late have been answered through claircognizance. Perhaps now it is time to develop new questions. 

For the last couple years I’ve been aware of how the planetary energies feel as they move through me. When I first was aware of it, so were others around me. We validated that it felt elevating. Kind of like a buzzing high as the current ran through us. At each solstice, eclipse, and lunar cycle since I’ve noticed it ramping up further and further. I feel euphoric almost all the time now. It is accentuated with deep breathing and proper hydration. I almost never have discomfort in my body anymore. I feel better than I ever have. I also experience a strong buzzing in my ears often, but it is not unpleasant. I feel it is a sign of receptivity to new frequency bands. I welcome them and the information they deliver to my consciousness. 

Now each time I pop out of slumber or the bath I spring into action with something new I must create at all costs. Chapters of a book. New storylines. New art panels. New projects. New articles. New campaigns. I am driven. It’s a challenge to stop to eat and exercise. It’s intuitive compulsion. Intuitive compulsion is my new way of life. It is being in the flow. There is a magical music to it. Like I unblocked a dam so the raging river can now flow through me. Instead of holding it all back. That holding back was painful. I crave to allow the flow. A painter needs to paint. To be what one is called to be is so satisfying and beautiful. Let the rivers flow from now on. At least until I know when it’s time to rest. Now is the time to flow. I’m happy to honor that knowing. I’m happy to honor the flow. To be as surprised as everyone else is at what comes through. I have a million stories to tell. Let’s get on with the first couple hundred of them. I used to second guess myself all the time. I’m so glad I’m not doing that anymore. Thank you. We love you. We love you. We love you. 
