All that is

Allow your higher self to come in by Alex Austin

We are consciously merging with our higher selves. As we do so there is the part where we surrender the ego self’s hold of our consciousness. The ego is not to be judged or punished for any of its past. We wrestle the steering wheel from the clutching fingers of ego. We surrender. Then more of all of who we truly and eternally are can come in and guide us. This is one of the benefits of surrender. You give yourself a chance for your higher self to come forward. Your higher self knows more, sees more, remembers more, heals more, loves more.

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Focus on frequencies by Alex Austin

If you focus enough in meditation on any one thing you can choose a different script, alchemize the quantum configuration, or choose another timeline. Sometimes there are just things to learn from what you focus on. Sometimes surrendering to what is and let it teach you a deeper story is the way. We all have amnesia to the history of our consciousness.

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Blue moon time by Alex Austin

Upon the completion of my special full blue moon energy healing meditation for Gaia and all upon her… Many things came through. I grounded. I cleared my energy. I cultivated new energy from the cosmos. I generated a merkaba field. As I chanted holding that field in my mind’s eye I saw a large giant sized human shaped form of energy rise from the ground and enveloped me. If I can remember correctly these words came fourth.

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