It's a knowing / by Alex Austin

I am multidimensional. We all are. All that I perceive is a perspective through a lens of my consciousness. It is colored by my auric soul self and frequency. The more I am able to release old ways of thinking, new ways of thinking roll in. Walls are coming down. Barriers of knowing myself are melting. My true self is emerging. Everything that I have been is still there. It’s just I am so much more now too. It’s no longer an intellectual understanding of my place in the universe. It’s a knowing. A trusting of all that I’m receiving from spirit. The truth as I perceive it will always be colored by who I am and my capacity to understand it. That capacity is expanding. 

Because of our multidimensional nature I may be tapping into realities that may be foreign to you, and vice versa. The version of me that resonates with your current chosen reality timeline dimension is the one you interact with. We each our the architects of our our individual timeline realities. There is not one timeline reality. We can bounce our primary attention to embody whatever timelines we choose to manifest. Our frequency and affirmation in it being so brings it about. Choose your own adventure. Choose your own timeline. Imagine one where everyone wins in health, prosperity, and freedom. Imagine one where everyone’s growth happens in divine timing. We don’t need be right or school anyone. Just let everyone blossom in their own time. I just focus on my blossoming, and be as kind and joyful as possible. 

Because I perceive certain things that others don’t doesn’t mean they are invalid. Please use your discernment. Take whatever resonates and leave the rest. I’m happy to teach what I know, but I’ll never be anyone’s guru. You can be your own guru. You can be your own channel of the source creator of all that is, and we can all compare notes. I am a student always. I’ll never have all the answers in this form, but I have access to answers that I am ready to receive. When I open my kundalini state I have access to receive all that I am ready for. All my questions are answered. In ways that I wasn’t expecting. In ways that I’ll understand more later. I don’t have the mental language built to fully express some of the concepts to myself. Like equations that don’t make sense yet. But I’m absorbing it into my consciousness nonetheless. Other higher versions of me know what is in the data energy. I’m hearing it has something do to with upgrading our frequency, DNA, and consciousness levels. These frequencies of infinite healing upgrading energies that are upon us are timely and ultimately come from the source of all that is. We do have supporters in the spirit realm assisting us with these energies. 

The second coming is the awakening of the frequency of Christ consciousness within you. You are your own savior. Christ consciousness is a level of spiritual enlightenment that can be easily sought and attained. It is when a master perfectly balances the shadow and light (feminine and masculine) energies within themselves. Imagine an entire planet Earth populated with people with Christ consciousness. Do you want to say that’s not possible? Or do you want to daydream a little more about what that world would look like? Maybe we could all attract that into our collective realities.