Bathed in light / by Alex Austin

Being a telepath, an empath, and so much more, I am drawn to spend much time alone in nature. It where I can ground and focus my attention. I can focus on the now moment. It is there that I can allow in the transmissions, energy, and guidance from the higher planes. 

I can feel into my presence. I can feel the mental presence of higher entities making themselves known to me. My spirit guides. I can feel their love, acceptance, and encouragement there for me. I can feel these energetic clouds of thought forms interact with me. There is a quiet dialogue. Responses to my mental questions and thoughts come in. 

My spirit guides have been teaching me to evolve my thinking. They counsel me past old counterproductive ways of thinking. I’ve been learning to let surrender be part of my way of life. There is a benefit for every hardship and blessing. We never deserve to mentally punish ourselves for anything. We can learn to give ourselves unconditional love that we always deserve. 

I have found the value of just being verses doing. To just be is very powerful. To just emit the highest frequency possible is more powerful than action. It charges you like a magnet to attract more of what you want to see in the world. Synchronicities follow always. During the day what occurs follows the vibration that I hold. When I hold gratitude more things show up to be grateful for. Opportunities come to me. 

This is the way. This is the way to live and operate in the new world. Hold your highest frequency, then follow your heart and intuition. When I sit in contemplation on an issue new perspectives come in. I can shed the old narratives and ways I used to process information. The heaviness that used to be felt with those old ways of thinking is gone. The new loving gentle perspectives allow me to accept all as it is. I can feel the support and guidance from my spirit guides walking me through it. They are like therapists, but better equipped to really help me. 

For me this is how I operate as a telepath. I’m not so much interested in digging up any scandalous details on anything in the 3D world with my abilities. I just want to learn as much as possible from those that reside above the 3D world. When I connect with the higher plane I want to learn more about how to live in the higher planes. This is one way of achieving higher consciousness. This is one way achieving enlightenment. Directly from the source. From spirit. 

You can achieve vibration that is in these higher frequencies. As you do so the less the lower vibrational frequencies have any impact on your reality. Problems simply aren’t problems anymore. Perspective transforms everything. It is my very real telepathic guidance that holds my hand along the way. I can feel the friendship and support from the universe. I am having deep telepathic conversations constantly. I am never alone. This is why I enjoy solitude so much. That’s why I enjoyed it during lifetimes when I was a monk. I can really focus on what spirit has to teach me. I seek knowledge, and it is given. 

Okay I just sat with a group of spirit guides. They bathed me in light. They just asked that I just sit with it and drink it in. As I received that loving light energy I saw shadows melt away from the energetic landscape in my mind’s eye. The light kept expanding and expanding. Brighter and brighter. I saw that light remove a significant layer of shadow from a distinctive energy landscape. As it did I felt lighter. I felt the attachment to denser emotions wash away. To be embraced by a loving light. That light had the loving infinite benevolent healing energy from the limitless universe. They continued to direct me to just sit in it. To just be with the energy. Feel what it delivers. Just receive. What wisdom is there. What love is there. What a removal of doubt. What a sense of coming home. Thank you brothers and sisters. We love you. We love you. We love you. 

Further note. 

After that meditation I waded barefoot through the creek and collected all the trash and broken glass after a recent storm. Afterwards I felt guided to do my first Merkaba field meditation meditation while my feet were grounded to both the earth and water of the creek. The energy felt so powerful and good. It was a seamless meditation. All of that energy was for Gaia and all upon her. I do my part to aid the energy grid around Gaia. I am a grid worker too. I do this lovingly for Gaia and all upon her every day. I get no paycheck. It is a job I volunteered for long ago. Because I know how to do it. 

When I remember that I am love. Love is who I am. That love is the one infinite power source of all that is. That love adds infinite strength and magic to your intentions. If what you wanted to do was something that only served you, you will find yourself powerless to do anything. At least you wouldn’t be supported by the universe. With love you are unrestricted to manifest a better world. You are empowered. Remove the old script. Write a new one with love. One where everyone is looking out for each other and no one has to be right. How rad do you want the future to be Picasso?