Full moon meditation note / by Alex Austin

Yesterday I felt very strong energies moving through all of us and Gaia. It was like another cosmic shift. An up leveling. I felt a heaviness and high tension in my body. I felt led to lie down. When I laid down and relaxed, all the tension pain went away and I felt an energetic healing occurring within and around me. In my mind’s eye I could see how the toruses of green energy were slowly moving through me. I could sense they were like a supportive healing upgrade for us. An hour later I found both my kids taking naps in their rooms. That is very uncharacteristic for those teenagers these days. I found that interesting. 

So what exactly was that? I feel like one way to describe a part of it is that it’s like an energetic dna upgrade frequency. Where from? The best I can say if that it from the universe for us, and it is time. We’ve been experiencing these gradual up levelings all long. We just experienced the latest one. I feel like I’m trusting more what my intuition and what I’m sensing with my extra senses are showing me. I’m doubting my abilities less, and I know what my gut tells me about every situation or opportunity. This solitude has really helped. I’d rather lean into growing and learning as much as possible, than explain or debate my findings to date. I don’t even have enough of a grasp of all that I’ve absorbed recently to properly explain it. I feel like I’ve only got 5% of the puzzle figured out. A better explanation or debate could happen when I have more data. I’m just so hungry to learn more. 

Now I’m sitting under the full moon. It is beautiful. It brings us clarity. I feel that clarity. It is a gift. I’ve been shedding ways I used to allow destructive thoughts to enter and sit with me. I notice the negative judgmental thoughts are not tied to reality. They are based on illusion. When I trace back each one they were simply echoing words said by those around me in my past. If any of my thoughts challenge my self worth and potential I now know they are false. 

"I've had a lot of worries in my life, most of which never happened." - Mark Twain.

When I walked out tonight to see the full moon I had an interesting thought. It was this. If I already know that my dreams are going to come true and everything is going to work out, then why not act and feel as if it already has happened right now. Worrying about the future distracts from the present. If you allow yourself to be infinitely present in the now moment you can allow your highest ideas to come in about what kind of future present moments you’d like to create. Worry assumes you are powerless. Intention births your power.