All you need is within you / by Alex Austin

To the newly awakened individuals it is a little hard to sit with the knowing that many truths about who we really are was intentionally hidden by those who architected our society as a whole. It was in the interest of those few or many that we felt small and powerless by hiding our power from us. Misdirection and gas lighting kept us from discovering who we are. 

I have moved beyond the injustice of it. When you integrate duality within yourself and feel the unity of the universe, your focus becomes loving, forgiving, healing, and setting boundaries with energies that are not harmonious with your favored vibrational frequency. You just stop playing the old games. You get to play some new games that you want to play that will bring about heaven on Earth. 

Be the best version of you that you can be in all areas. Show your light and kindness to those around you. Bring joy into all that you are and do. Everyone and everything is an aspect of god absorbing individual experiences for the whole. We grow as collectives of consciousness and as individuals of consciousness. We are consciousness. We are eternal. We are part of all that is. Whether they realize it or not, everyone and everything is your brothers and sisters. Even the villains are to be loved. The illusion of separation fuels all conflict. It can be played out until that lesson that separation is an illusion is learned. When you see beyond the conflict, there is no more conflict. It only exists if you perpetuate it. Let go. Let go and see where joyous opportunities lie.