Focus on frequencies / by Alex Austin

Meditation note 

If you focus enough in meditation on any one thing you can choose a different script, alchemize the quantum configuration, or choose another timeline. Sometimes there are just things to learn from what you focus on. Sometimes surrendering to what is and let it teach you a deeper story is the way. We all have amnesia to the history of our consciousness. We can wake up everyday to rediscovering the vastness of who we really are. Let the memories and knowings seep in. Having memories of other identities helps anchor me into knowing that I am infinite. Our reality is about to change. Frequencies are rising at increased rates. I can feel it. My son’s psychic abilities are increasing like mine. He’s using it to pickup on what’s going on around him. My telepathic conversations with him has encouraged his working on it. The fact that we can exchange specific information without words is a wonderful thing to witness. I believe the increased psychic abilities among humanity right now is a symptom of those higher frequencies among us on the planet right now. There is so much change and upheaval in the world right now. I believe that is also a symptom of the frequencies. There’s a balancing going on. A shifting. A crumbling of the old. We’ve seen countless civilizations obliterated. We won’t let that happen again. We’ve moved beyond that now. The more humanity achieves living in the heart centered space the more we will harbor in what we really want to see in the world. It’s happening now. I can see it. Don’t look at your screens. Look at the world around. What do you see in everyday life around you? Are people being kind? Are strangers listening to each other more deeply. Are people waking up from who they used to be? I’m seeing a lot more compassion and free will being exercised out there. What I see around me impresses me. Don’t look at your screens. Go outside. Go within. There is growth and the energy of a phoenix waiting there for you. 
