
Focus on frequencies by Alex Austin

If you focus enough in meditation on any one thing you can choose a different script, alchemize the quantum configuration, or choose another timeline. Sometimes there are just things to learn from what you focus on. Sometimes surrendering to what is and let it teach you a deeper story is the way. We all have amnesia to the history of our consciousness.

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Fifth Dimensional Living by Alex Austin

When I heard a testimony in a quantum hypnosis session that described what their life was like in 5D in their soon to be timeline. The description hasn't left me and is something that feels familiar and is jiving with my predictions. It has acted like a beacon to me. I feel I'm finding ways to create it. Kind of like the ‘Nexus’ in the movie ‘Star Trek Generations’. Living more in nature.

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Good is Coming by Alex Austin

The ascension is locked in. Enjoy the ride. Do your work. Do you. And laugh, dance and play as much as you can along the way. Celebrating life also raises the vibrational frequency around you. Remember we are building our new world/paradigm/reality. With frequency and intent.

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Sensing Energy by Alex Austin

Ok, I know this is weird to say, but there is so much love and light coming through this planet to all its inhabitants right now. I can feel it. It's almost obscene how much good energy there is flowing to everyone. Right now. I've been a conduit of it for some time now. I've just started to figure out that I can tap into it, and direct it in anyway I want to effect good around me.

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