Sensing Energy / by Alex Austin

Ok, I know this is weird to say, but there is so much love and light coming through this planet to all its inhabitants right now. I can feel it. It's almost obscene how much good energy there is flowing to everyone. Right now. I've been a conduit of it for some time now. I've just started to figure out that I can tap into it, and direct it in anyway I want to effect good around me. I can direct energy to my environment in different ways to uplift and aid it. I have evidence and testimony of the results. I feel truly fortunate to be here during this time. Have you ever read ‘Illusions’ by Richard Bach? It kind of leads you down that path. But it took time to process those concepts, and processing the seeds of wisdom from shamans and from metaphysical books from all over the planet to come to a more overarching view and understanding of the universe and our place in it. 

I can see and sense energy. I think I have learned transmutation to a certain extent. It's completely fascinating. I can sense others' thoughts and feelings and project my own. I speak to others on the other side frequently. I have a clear memory of a past life. I have astral projected out of my body to the moon. I have shared dreams with others where everyone remembers the same dream the next day. I have had prophetic dreams. I have had prophetic visions right before something has happened. I have felt drawn to hide the fact that I can do these things from civilized society. And yet I'm declaring to myself most importantly and to you that this all true. I'm still wrapping my head around it. 
