Past Lives Connection

Incarnation Integration/Expanding Sense of Identity by Alex Austin

As the days have been progressing, a stronger understanding has been remaining during my waking hours. While my body sleeps, I’m remaining conscious of my time in the astral plane every night now. I’m retaining my memories of my lessons and interactions in the astral realm. This used to happen only periodically in the past. Now it is the norm.

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How Deeply Are We All Connected? by Alex Austin

YOU KNOW HOW WHEN YOU REPEAT A PRACTICE YOU GET BETTER AT IT? Like yoga, weightlifting, skateboarding, etc. Those are examples of practices that I’m familiar with. When that practice is yoga for example, you can stretch further more confidently. You feel stronger. You feel endorphins. You feel rewarded for your perseverance.

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Receiving by Alex Austin

Observe the intuitive hits you receive. Pay attention to the suggestions, information and inclinations you’re receiving. These come both from your higher self and your spirit guides. If you go within properly there is nothing you can’t know. When you are fully present in the now you can access any information in the cosmos. Because you are the cosmos.

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Awareness Beyond the Physical Senses by Alex Austin

After much research into all things metaphysical, after my dreams of other lives lived (where I thought and spoke in a language I’ve never heard, but I know it was Mayan and I was fully telepathic. I could know everyone’s thoughts and feelings around me. I forgave them of their ill intentions), after my precognitive visions, after my dreams that others in the dreams remembered the same...

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Kundalini Experience Takeaways by Alex Austin

When I think of creatures in the animal and plant kingdom now, I think very differently of them than I used to. I no longer think of them as lower creatures. No matter their size I instinctively feel like they are my equals in certain respects. Just because they don’t speak human vocal languages doesn’t mean they don’t deserve our respect.

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Higher Self Channeling - Multidimensional Awareness by Alex Austin

Right now I am living all my lifetimes. I am in all experiences of this lifetime right now as well. Be in the present moment. Everything is happening in the present moment. Everything that ever happened or will happen is happening right now in the present moment. How do you feel when you imagine the previous statement is true? Do you visualize your lives flashing before your eyes?

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Astral Plane Experiences by Alex Austin

It is my experience that our dreams aren't something happening in our brains as we’ve been led to believe. Our subconscious is energetic, not biological. Our dreams are the remembrances of our experiences in the astral plane when our physical bodies sleep. We leave our physical bodies and can manifest our surroundings and interact with others.

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Sensing Energy by Alex Austin

Ok, I know this is weird to say, but there is so much love and light coming through this planet to all its inhabitants right now. I can feel it. It's almost obscene how much good energy there is flowing to everyone. Right now. I've been a conduit of it for some time now. I've just started to figure out that I can tap into it, and direct it in anyway I want to effect good around me.

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