Astral Plane Experiences / by Alex Austin

It is my experience that our dreams aren't something happening in our brains as we’ve been led to believe. Our subconscious is energetic, not biological. Our dreams are the remembrances of our experiences in the astral plane when our physical bodies sleep. We leave our physical bodies and can manifest our surroundings and interact with others. I've had several vivid dreams where my friends in those dreams remembered the same details of our surroundings and what happened in the dream. We held a sense of shock and awe each time we validated each others memories. 

Conscious astral projection can achieved by following these steps. Through breath, relaxation, and focus you first raise the vibration of your physical body to closer match the frequency of your astral body. When this is done, you will be able to retain your memories of what you experience in the astral plane. We often forget our ‘dreams’ because of the shock of our astral body returning to our physical body when their vibration frequencies are too different. Liken it to stepping out of a moving car. Next know that you can return to your physical body instantly anytime you wish. There is an etheric (umbilical-like) silver cord that (when you are alive) always connects your astral body to your physical body. Next know that the physical laws of physics don’t apply in the astral plane. You can travel or will yourself anywhere at the speed of thought. It takes practice. Lay somewhere where you have no distractions and practice. It takes time to build confidence in your ability to move about. Your vision in your astral form is different than seeing with your physical eyes. To me it’s a little more fuzzy, but I know cognitively where I am and what I’m seeing. Nothing can harm you in the astral plane. Lower dimensional beings can only mess with you if you fear them. Fear is their sustenance. Starve them of fear and they have no power. Higher vibrational beings can visit lower vibrational spaces, but lower vibrational beings cannot visit higher vibrational spaces. You must raise your vibration first to visit the higher realms you want to visit. Envisioning being one with infinite love and light is the easiest way to raise your vibration. You can think of ascended masters or spiritual role models. Just holding them in your thoughts can raise your vibration closer to their frequency.

I once had a dream where I experienced an entire day in the life of someone else. I believe it was a past incarnation of mine. I had been hiking 5 miles in a cold downpour in Big Sur with no rain gear. We crossed through raging creeks in knee high water. My fifty pound pack became eighty pounds easy with the water it absorbed. Before we successfully pitched a tent to get out of the rain I wanted to die. I wanted out of my body. I had had enough. I felt beaten, broken and surrendered when I closed my eyes that night. I wanted to die, or at least a break from my body.

I didn't realize that suffering was a catalyst for the extent of the dream experience to come that night. 

I dreamt that I was a different person. I thought and spoke in a language that I've never heard before. I think it was Mayan. I was completely telepathic. I could clearly hear everyone's thoughts around me. It was palpable and the way it was. I went to visit my parents. They were very wealthy. They cast me out when I was a teenager and I had only known poverty ever since. I bore them no malice for it and with love in my heart I only wanted to see them again. I brought a friend with me. He had only known poverty and had never seen such a residence. When we saw my parents I was happy to see them. I could sense their thoughts and feelings as if they were mine. They felt an extreme sense of guilt for casting me out. They felt triggered by my presence. They were so uncomfortable, that they wanted me gone. They made a proposal to me and my friend. If we could climb up the rain gutters along to the top of their beautiful three story home, they would have a feast fit for a king prepared and spread out for us on the patio on the top of their home. The rain gutters were merely pottery pots with holes at their center, stacked on top of each other all the way up the top of the building. They were in no way really attached to the building. It was a treacherous proposal. I knew that they wanted me to fall and die, so they wouldn’t have to feel what they were feeling anymore. We agreed to do it. It was scary and treacherous, but we miraculously made it. Their staff had food prepared up on the roof. I was still hanging off the side of the building as I began to eat. I dipped my hands into the bowls of bean curds, and starting eating. We didn’t use utensils. That was how we ate. Then my parents clutched each other and began sobbing. They felt worse than before. They felt even more guilt for planning my demise. I told them I didn’t care. I knew what they were thinking and feeling, and I genuinely forgave them. I just came to visit them because I wanted to see them and tell them that I loved them. Nothing that they did mattered to me.

Next, I was suddenly myself, but now found myself in the second story of that same building. That part of the building was my father’s home. There was a friend of mine, Rick laying on the floor, reading a book. I always thought of Rick as being very wise and introspective. I was shocked that he was there. I wasn’t very close with my father at that time. I asked Rick why he was there. He told me that my father really wasn’t a bad guy, and that he thought I should give him a chance. I looked at him like he was crazy to say something like that. Then I phased to the next part of my dream.

Next I was in the third level of that same building. A party was being held there. The kind of party where it’s customary to bring a gift. I brought my mentor friend Steve along with me. He’s one of my best friends who is my parent’s age. He’s been like a father to me. A hippie sage is good way to describe him. He started behaving really rudely to the people at the party. I was shocked and embarrassed. I confronted him about it, and he apologized. In retrospect I think it’s interesting that I had three different experiences with parents in the three levels of that same building. Since I experienced this, I feel I’ve been quicker forgive everyone in general.

Next I remember being surrounded by all my friends at the party. I told them I was backpacking in Big Sur, I needed to go back there and return to my girlfriend. There was so much vivid color and bright light. Then I felt myself shoot back into my body. I opened my eyes. It was morning time in the tent. It was no longer pouring rain. It was sunny with blue skies. We were able to hang dry everything that got soaked, and were able to enjoy the rest of our camping experience. I have never forgotten that experience. It was one of the most vivid experiences I’ve had.
