Receiving / by Alex Austin

Observe the intuitive hits you receive. Pay attention to the suggestions, information and inclinations you’re receiving. These come both from your higher self and your spirit guides. If you go within properly there is nothing you can’t know. When you are fully present in the now you can access any information in the cosmos. Because you are the cosmos. You can access your past and future selves, and commune with them. That is part of the now. Connect with your higher self. The you that is eternal and remembers astral travel experiences and past lives. Call them current other incarnations because of the nature of time. You are all of them now. On this planet and on others throughout all time. Your higher evolved selves and lower evolved selves. You can ask them questions and feel the answers. Receive the answers. And receive their love, compassion, humor and understanding. Give all those versions of you a high five right now. Did you do it? We’re not proceeding until you have. Happy waking up your higher self. Om mani padme hum. 

Part 2:

We all humans are becoming ascended masters at our own rate. If you take the fast track to it, judgement dissipates. Love for yourself and all comes in. The master sits in jolly knowingness. All are one. Brothers and sisters in light. I solute you. We love you. We love you. We love you. 

Part 3:

On a subconscious level, our higher self in partnership with the universe is creating our reality. Quantum effect is noted. If one is walking along on this Earth and they want to perform a task. And their belief/doubt ratio is controlled to be one hundred percent belief anything can be achieved. How are you managing your belief/doubt ratio? I’m talking about accepting your absolute creator power. Belief in that. Like Yoda said ‘there is no try. Only do or do not.’ It’s not easy. But if you work on it like you practice anything else. You get better. Your imagination, intension and free will choice is the only limit to what is possible. Day to day I operate in the world with some mental belief systems I grew up with. Out of routine I set my ‘normal’ physical expectations on my actions. Following narrowly within that path, I blend in well. But it is good to flex your muscles and learn to do a bit beyond those limitations now that you have cognizance that those limitations are a mirage. The universe isn’t as limited as one might think. It is vast. It is all. Through it you add experience and imagination to the mix. Experience a great experience. Access joy in your presence in the world. Be present in the now. Knowing it was all worth it. How proud your higher self is of you. To know that many of those you know, you’ve known before and throughout eternity. If that is the case, I feel all the more excited to savor my interactions with all souls. I can’t help but want to subtly, playfully shower them with love. Enjoy being with those you love. Love those around you. They deserve it. You deserve it. When the jig is up it turns into a big love party. Who’d thunk it? Smoke ‘em if you got ‘em. Om mani padme hum. 

Part 4:

I’m more confident of my state of consciousness. Who I am. Where I’m going. It’s good to smell the roses though. That means you’re taking time to be in the present. That’s where everything is. Take joy in the now. You can plan your next dreams. They are possible because you are in the now. See the frequency of the next now. Harmonize with it. Become it. Guide your journey with gleeful intent. It’s sure to astound you. 
