Om Mani Padme Hum

Gratitude in the Face of Whatever by Alex Austin

As I did my regular morning Earthing, grounding, merkaba field generation, and earth grid energy work, I felt so naturally high. I felt so much comfort and unconditional love poring through me. Of course this enables me to do the energy work that I share with the planet and collective, but now I’m noticing it is becoming more and more my natural state of being.

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Ascension by Alex Austin

Nobody is not ascending. To the new elevated realities. At our own pace. Some individuals by their intuition are understanding a little sooner what our new awareness is telling us. What this new reality can be and how we can take steps to aid it’s quantum creation. How we can be healers, leaders, teachers, supporters and way-showers. It’s all in the present moment.

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Receiving by Alex Austin

Observe the intuitive hits you receive. Pay attention to the suggestions, information and inclinations you’re receiving. These come both from your higher self and your spirit guides. If you go within properly there is nothing you can’t know. When you are fully present in the now you can access any information in the cosmos. Because you are the cosmos.

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Metaphysical Abilities Affirmation / Merkaba Field Generation by Alex Austin

For decades now I practiced to do this. I can send and receive telepathic communications with people at long distances. If I open myself up I can receive transmissions of thought from many sources. My higher self, passed away loved ones, ascended masters, animals, trees, people, spirits. All of the above. If I become one with the present moment I can sense the different transmissions around me...

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Holding Space and Frequency for Those Who Will Eventually Awaken by Alex Austin

Some of us are already ascending and ascended in that their/our 4th and 5th density selves are already awake/active/cognizant while still holding space in the third density. The third density reality rules have less meaning to them. If the illusions of the third density are starting to melt away for you, you have begun to ascend.

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Beauty Beyond the Illusion by Alex Austin

Life on Earth is like a hologram. Once you learn that. See how it works. You can begin to become the programmer. Add to it what you want. The tapestry of how events, people, stories, the Earth are all connected together. See it unfold before your very eyes. Feel it. There is so much love and support in the frequency right now. So much love. It almost hurts.

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