Paradigm Observations / by Alex Austin

I just want to voice a thought in this tumultuous time. Right now we being bombarded with scary decisive news regarding the human condition, regulation of human rights, and political ambitions. I feel we are being asked to be distracted by numerous things in order to not see the big picture and forget our history of propaganda shaping the psychological landscape of the people of the world in the past. We're being coaxed to not look behind the curtain, not think about all the truths / information that the powers that be deny exist. We now know about so many things were covered up in past. To think manipulation is not happening now on a large scale way is foolish, in my opinion. As we're focused so much on all these juicy news stories (like we never have been before) we're being sucked into an illusion and buying in to a reality or paradigm that someone else is trying to sell us. I don't have answers. I just am feeling like a sucker, and know there is an agenda not being shared openly with us. It's gloomy, and I want be positive and forge a wonderful future for my family and humanity. I just think it also childish to not think about what's behind the scenes. Does the winner of a game show all their cards?

2016, Watercolor

2016, Watercolor