Holding Space and Frequency for Those Who Will Eventually Awaken / by Alex Austin

Some of us are already ascending and ascended in that their/our 4th and 5th density selves are already awake/active/cognizant while still holding space in the third density. The third density reality rules have less meaning to them. If the illusions of the third density are starting to melt away for you, you have begun to ascend. Awakening and spiritual awareness are symptoms that your ascension has begun. Those with very low vibrations, those that have manipulated/controlled others or caused harm for personal gain are having their last desperate grasps to hold their positions. But the jig is up. Their deceptions are becoming visible to the masses (negating their power). The percentage of the awakened/ascending is growing exponentially everyday. Notice that even the densest of your loved ones are progressing. Each has their own pace. With our collective creative consciousness we are creating and visiting our fourth and fifth density realities often without even realizing it. We are multidimensional beings. I am who I was, am, and will be right now. I am connected to all of the me’s that have ever been. Within this incarnation and all incarnations. Within this reality and all realities. All time is occurring now. Our perception of it changes. While consciously the events of my future are sometimes hazy (not always), the feeling/emotions of my future is not. My future self is full of gratitude and bliss. He only wants to congratulate me, and give me a high five for sticking through all this. The blessings to come are immeasurable. The feeling of payoff is imminent. Nothing can stop the momentum. Even when things seem bleak. I personally am experiencing some of the most challenging and scary times of my life right now. But I know this is temporary. All of my past challenges brought me gifts that I couldn’t have predicted. It’s time to be patient to witness the miracle of the gifts. If I want to seek answers to questions or solace from the universe, they are provided quickly when I go inward. I have learned ‘to fish’ for myself spiritually speaking. I no longer require others to fish for me. The illusions are fading, and the truths are coming into awareness. Life is frequency. Frequency is life. You can turn the dial so to speak to observe or generate any frequency anytime according to whatever the task. Coupled with pure intention, anything can be accomplished. Unconditional love is a frequency, and is the most powerful place to start. This is how things work in the fourth and fifth density. Om mani padme hum.  
