Individual Timelines / by Alex Austin

Every single one of us creates our own individual timelines. None of us is on the same timeline as each other. But we interact and intertwine with each other all the time with those that are experiencing parallel timelines. This goes along with the idea/statement that ‘we create our own reality’. It further explains the Mandela effect. We can observe other’s recordings of events to be different from how we remember them more and more now. This is a testament to how powerful we all are. It is evidence that we are indeed the creators of our own realities/timelines. We would be remiss to listen too closely to premonitions that don’t come from your own higher self or vetted connections in the spirit world. If we listen too closely to something and start to believe in it we can manifest it exactly in each of our timelines. The perfectly placed seed can have a ripple effect among the collective human consciousness. I choose to dream/create and focus of the most glorious future reality/timelines. If an idea/premonition is shared with me that is of a frequency that doesn’t resonate with me I reject it from my creative focus. We are all that powerful. It is time to allow myself to trust the source creator within me. There is no savior outside of myself that I need to rely on. We each of us are the ones we have been waiting for. But I am not an island unto my own. I take joy in helping and sharing this experience with the beautiful souls around me. I am not alone on this planet, and I’m not alone in the spirit plane. I am always among friends. I am no stranger to suffering. Even in the present. My future timeline that I manifest is between me and my higher self. I am weeding out the soul contracts that no longer serve me. Bliss, love and abundance make up the North star so-to-speak that I use to navigate my journey by. The journey never ends. I am eternal. Manifest the reality that you want to be a part of. What do you want to experience? Choose that. You deserve unfathomable happiness. It can be yours. It will be yours. Om mani padme hum.

2019, Digital Illustration

2019, Digital Illustration