
Receiving by Alex Austin

Observe the intuitive hits you receive. Pay attention to the suggestions, information and inclinations you’re receiving. These come both from your higher self and your spirit guides. If you go within properly there is nothing you can’t know. When you are fully present in the now you can access any information in the cosmos. Because you are the cosmos.

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Support for People with Psychic Abilities by Alex Austin

I’m thinking of starting a twelve step meeting group for people with psychic abilities. Maybe I’ll write twelve steps that correlate to people in that group. I just think it would be helpful for people going through this to talk with others in the same boat. It could help everyone be better at their abilities and understand them more too.

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Kundalini Experience Takeaways by Alex Austin

When I think of creatures in the animal and plant kingdom now, I think very differently of them than I used to. I no longer think of them as lower creatures. No matter their size I instinctively feel like they are my equals in certain respects. Just because they don’t speak human vocal languages doesn’t mean they don’t deserve our respect.

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Acknowledgement by Alex Austin

I want to acknowledge my mother. She has been great to me. Since I was a baby she was such an incredible role model. She passed all of her intuitive wisdom to me. As soon as she had pearls of wisdom she shared them with me. I don’t think if my parents stayed together she would have felt free to parent me in the style that she did. She wanted to live her truth and live...

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Higher Self Channeling - Multidimensional Awareness by Alex Austin

Right now I am living all my lifetimes. I am in all experiences of this lifetime right now as well. Be in the present moment. Everything is happening in the present moment. Everything that ever happened or will happen is happening right now in the present moment. How do you feel when you imagine the previous statement is true? Do you visualize your lives flashing before your eyes?

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Discerning Energies by Alex Austin

I have encountered emotional energies entering my house. I am empathetic. I had no thoughts that should have led up to anger. I know that all is but a reflection of what is inside of me. Logic falls to compassion and patience for all. But I felt a righteous anger that I couldn’t identify why I was feeling it. I have no reason to be angry. But I became furious nonetheless.

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