Discerning Energies / by Alex Austin

I have encountered emotional energies entering my house. I am empathetic. I had no thoughts that should have led up to anger. I know that all is but a reflection of what is inside of me. Logic falls to compassion and patience for all. But I felt a righteous anger that I couldn’t identify why I was feeling it. I have no reason to be angry. But I became furious nonetheless. I took it out on a wooden bowl and a chalkboard when I was washing dishes. There was a part of me that felt satisfied that I released the energy, but regret for my actions soon followed. I scared those around me. I scared myself. That isn’t what I want to share with the world. It certainly isn’t what I want to share with my family. My daughter gives in to very powerful bouts of anger, frustration and despair. I wondered if there was a frequency of negative emotion being projected into our home. I think I may have perceived it myself then. This may be a wave of what she is receiving. It may be a frequency sent along through any of the devices into our home to trigger discourse to interrupt our natural progression towards enlightenment, peace, health and happiness. HAARP?

I recall one time I was working, and mindful of the neutrality of my thoughts, when suddenly I felt a supreme sense of rage. Then a man just walked up to me with a product return. It became clear where the rage I felt in me came from. It was from this man. I successfully kept from letting the emotion control my actions at that time, but I wanted to fight him. It was one of the first times I was cognizant of my ability to feel the emotions of others around me. I must always remain on my toes when I feel anger or despair, and let them pass through me before I say or doing anything. That must be understood by myself. People take stock in your actions. One must always be at the ready to take a time out for as long as is necessary. I have quite a different message to spread to those around me. A message of love, encouragement, peace and levity. Shame on those who would broadcast such a test. I can imagine a number of ways things like this are being done. As a shamanic energy worker I know how to build and broadcast energy for healing and good metaphysically. There could be natural or technological ways to do energy work for others that is not helpful set up around us right now. Is it HAARP? It could be other empaths projecting energies with ill intent. Evidence suggests that an outside source is broadcasting something. That is my interpretation. It stands to reason that it is one of the reasons I have felt called to do energy work that helps mankind. To balance the path for us all. There still is duality here to come to terms with. Back to thinking some less heavy thoughts. Harmony is the way of the higher realms. That harmony is becoming more and more a part of our level of reality little by little. That is the way we are moving. The light is the inevitable winning side if you will. We are witnessing the growing pains of ascension. The dark is going down swinging, but it’s going down. To be absorbed into the light. Have a great day. Peace. 

Or am I being paranoid? Maybe there is no active ill intent behind it, and I am just receiving what is out there.
