Awakening / by Alex Austin

I’m in this space now where my world or my perception of all that is around me is different than before. My intuition has increased exponentially. I take notes on conversations with my higher self and various spirit guides. Often I get visual mental impressions or at least personality impressions. Sometimes I know who is there. If who it is is unclear, I know my higher self is present and has vetted them vibrationally. I receive guidance and advice on how to understand some deeper truths about anything I am curious about. And I’ve been very curious about my true history. I’ve sought the meanings behind the Buddha and other’s lessons. I’ve thought about what I can do to enhance this experience for others. I’ve thought about with what I’ve learned about what shamanistic energy healing I can do to help the collective. I’ve thought about how to best love myself and release anything holding me back from enlightenment. I’ve questioned how are we all connected energetically and how does energy and vibration package intention, emotion and information. I receive answers to all these things. And I have found others who channel messages that sound much like my notes. I’ve heard others translate specific advice I too had received and practiced after the fact. We all like ham radios. When our switches are turned on we’re hearing the same loving messages. And if you processed it as true for you before you get outside validation, it only adds to the authenticity in your heart. This isn’t an easy thing to discuss in society. But here’s my stab at it. 
