Support for People with Psychic Abilities / by Alex Austin

I’m thinking of starting a twelve step meeting group for people with psychic abilities. Maybe I’ll write twelve steps that correlate to people in that group. I just think it would be helpful for people going through this to talk with others in the same boat. It could help everyone be better at their abilities and understand them more too. 


What is happening to me? 

By means of whatever path you took to get here, you have awakened your intuitional senses. 

What are these auras, visions, premonitions, messages in my head (not coming from my ego), downloads, past live memories, feelings of connection to spirit, kundalini activation experiences, ufo experiences, dreams of experiences in the astral plane, astral out of body experiences, Akashic records visits, witnessing energy moving around me? 

They are a gift. 

Next comes learning how to access, process after grounding, transmute, generate more of, purify and control that energy for the greater good. You will be disabled in your efforts if your intentions aren’t pure and in line with the purest sense of the golden rule. That being said, what we are acknowledging here is that you have woken up to realize you are a creator being. Now go out and behave as a benevolent creator being. The sense of responsibility is overcome with a sense of love and wonder at what could be. Create away creators. 

How do I understand these abilities?

Recommended reading:

  • Jane Roberts - The Seth Material 

  • T. Lobsang Rampa - The Third Eye

  • T. Lobsang Rampa - You Forever 

  • A. E. Powell - The Mental Body

How do I get better at my abilities?

Tuesday Lobsang Rampa’s book You Forever is a lesson book for practicing the following metaphysical abilities, and more. It helped me greatly to understand the concepts and then to put them into practice.

  • Seeing Auras

  • Seeing the Etheric

  • Clairvoyance

  • Telepathy

  • Conscious Astral Projection

What about energy healing?

There are many practitioners that certify others in their methods like reiki, etc. There is a lot of information you can find about them all. I personally didn’t follow any of those paths. I’ve found myself incorporating concepts I’ve learned from Hermeticism, Rosicrucianism, Buddhism, Sacred Geometry, Qigong and put them together with what I learned doing energy work with a shaman energy healer in Los Angeles. I don’t practice professionally, but I practice almost daily for the benefit of Earth and all upon her.
