I’m thinking of starting a twelve step meeting group for people with psychic abilities. Maybe I’ll write twelve steps that correlate to people in that group. I just think it would be helpful for people going through this to talk with others in the same boat. It could help everyone be better at their abilities and understand them more too.
Read MorePrecognition
Premonitions /
At first I just was noticing the premonition I had, and did not focus on the fact that I knew I had a choice not to follow that path/timeline if I didn't want to. Seldom since have chosen a path that led to the emergency room. I already experienced it. But I have had zero regret about choosing that adventure. It was scary, exhilarating and brave.
Read MoreSupernatural Experience /
What if you saw a UFO or something strange? Saw someone exhibit super human abilities? Would you start to see the universe around you differently? That certain truths about science and reality are being hidden from us. There's many rabbit holes you could follow. One is why are certain truths hidden? Another is seeing how far you can go in discovering more about these truths.
Read MorePrecognition and its relation to physical manifestation /
I have surmised that I manifested most of my Volkswagen’s breakdowns. I intimately knew all the parts of my vehicles since I serviced them. I saw the malfunction of each component in my mind’s eye before they occurred in reality. I saw many more things before they happened. Premonitions. People, events, where they happened. I've had dreams o
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