Supernatural Experience / by Alex Austin

What if you saw a UFO or something strange? Saw someone exhibit super human abilities? Would you start to see the universe around you differently? That certain truths about science and reality are being hidden from us. There's many rabbit holes you could follow. One is why are certain truths hidden? Another is seeing how far you can go in discovering more about these truths. Through physical exploration and accessing the Akashic records in the astral plane are my chosen methods. 

What if all of T. Lobsang Rampa's adventures were true? Every lesson on how to develop your third eye was true. I have had notable success with developing each of the following practices: astral projection, telepathy, learning to see and communicate with disembodied entities, be receptive to precognitive visions, focus to see auras and energy, control intent and direction of collected and generated energy, reap the benefits of past life memories in dreams, precognition in dreams, and experiences in the astral plane in dreams others involved remember upon waking. 

The other question I'm asking is what if everything else T. Lobsang Rampa wrote is true? About councils of many species of humanoids in the galaxy watching over us. About the Tibetan lamas riding in their flying crafts. What they eat. How they dress? What they showed him about the history of this planet and of this solar system. Because it makes sense. Each step validates the next. Just be sure you're grounded all the time. Because this is far out man. Let me just say that. 

Seated along with this curiosity is the fact that I have in fact seen flying saucers up close and personal and from afar with my own eyes. And when it counted most with lots of other witnesses. How can I deny what I've seen? Fact is I can't. 
