Timelines / by Alex Austin

Reality? Timeline? They are different terms for the same thing. There is enough documentation to validate the Philadelphia Experiment occured? It proceeded as was connected with the Montauk Project. They experimented with time travel and tinkered with history. They did it quite a lot until they were ordered to stop. Multiple timelines eventually merged with each other creating what we know as the Mandela effect. That's why some people have different memories of the past. At first I felt alarmed by it, but I’ve made peace with it. We've already avoided and surpassed the bleak future timeline Al Bielek described when he jumped from the USS Eldridge during the Philadelphia Experiment. We've passed the time when he noted World War III happened in the future timeline he temporarily visited. Something must be going right. I'm grateful. The power lies in the creative power of our collective consciousness and our free will. Let's create a great future. 
