The Netflix show ‘Stranger Things’ is based on the Montauk Project. They were going to call the show Montauk. Many years ago I did tons of research into what happened in the Philadelphia Project and the related Montauk Project. I looked into it, as only I can. I mean I can go anywhere unseen. Visit the locations. I can see any document I want. And also visit the Akashic records to see the past.
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Timelines /
Reality? Timeline? They are different terms for the same thing. There is enough documentation to validate the Philadelphia Experiment occured? It proceeded as was connected with the Montauk Project. They experimented with time travel and tinkered with history. They did it quite a lot until they were ordered to stop.
Read MoreQuantum Alchemy /
I learned how to bless a cigarette with positive photons aimed at the cells in my lungs to heal and rejuvenate in meditation. I learned how blissed and connected I feel instantly when I pray for love and good will to others.
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