Quantum Alchemy / by Alex Austin

I learned how to bless a cigarette with positive photons aimed at the cells in my lungs to heal and rejuvenate in meditation. I learned how blissed and connected I feel instantly when I pray for love and good will to others. 

Three times meditating in nature, I saw stars swirling around me like I was being shown the universe. The third time however I saw more clearly that it was around me. Then I saw patterns of the particles forming paths along shapes nearby me while particles were swirling around me. The first two times it was more at a distance like I was watching stars go by. Much like you see in a planetarium show. 

I just saw it again. Like rivers of energy. The flow in the center of them is faster than on the outside of them. I saw them streaming around me. Then directly at me through a portal of blue light. Then it receded like a flower closing its pedals. It looked like a big beautiful flower fused with the cosmos. 

Don't be afraid to tell your story. 

Talk about:

I read Tuesday Lobsang Rampa's books, and many other metaphysical books. I got sober when I was seventeen, and meditated every day for over an hour. I practiced astral projection with success after many years. I practiced telepathy, clairvoyance, seeing auras. I had many dreams with other people in them in the astral plane that all parties remembered after waking up. I had a dream where I was a different person, thought and spoke in a completely different language, was completely telepathic, and lived an entire day in the life of this other person, if I had to guess I'd guess the language was Mayan or Incan, a story about forgiving my parents and loving them unconditionally. I saw UFOs in person about 20 times. Once up close, with twelve other witnesses present. Those experiences validated for me what I expected was written in those metaphysical books to be true. 

Then I began studying about Tesla, the Philadelphia Project, the Montauk Project, then along came the television show Cosmic Disclosure... oh my God. 

In 2003 I first successfully consciously astral projected. I willed my astral self to the backside of the moon. I saw architecture like the kremlin, curvy spires and corners of the buildings like you see in East Asian temples. T. Lobsang Rampa wrote about visiting an ancient giant city in ice in the Tibetan highlands, getting in a flying saucer and taking a trip to Venus. In his book The Hermit there's an account of attending an intergalactic council meeting of sorts with different species of people including bird people. 

All of this has made me receptive to the story presented by Cory Goode on Cosmic Disclosure. 

2017, Ballpoint Sketch

2017, Ballpoint Sketch