Flying Saucers

Awareness Beyond the Physical Senses by Alex Austin

After much research into all things metaphysical, after my dreams of other lives lived (where I thought and spoke in a language I’ve never heard, but I know it was Mayan and I was fully telepathic. I could know everyone’s thoughts and feelings around me. I forgave them of their ill intentions), after my precognitive visions, after my dreams that others in the dreams remembered the same...

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UFO Sightings by Alex Austin

During WWII (while my grandfather was fighting in Europe) my grandmother temporarily lived in Jacksonville. We were Bay Area Westcoasters. She told me about seeing cigar shaped and other very strange shaped UFOs often during that time. It mostly was during the day, and many people would gather outside and talk about them.

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Supernatural Experience by Alex Austin

What if you saw a UFO or something strange? Saw someone exhibit super human abilities? Would you start to see the universe around you differently? That certain truths about science and reality are being hidden from us. There's many rabbit holes you could follow. One is why are certain truths hidden? Another is seeing how far you can go in discovering more about these truths.

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