UFO Sightings / by Alex Austin

During WWII (while my grandfather was fighting in Europe) my grandmother temporarily lived in Jacksonville. We were Bay Area Westcoasters. She told me about seeing cigar shaped and other very strange shaped UFOs often during that time. It mostly was during the day, and many people would gather outside and talk about them. Sometimes craft would hover in the same place stationary in the sky for days. She would tell me about it when I was young. 

My own first sightings was in the 1993 in California. I was stargazing in Big Sur on the beach one night. We saw satellites moving in straight lines in the sky. Then we saw lights in the sky zigzagging, and then pausing before moving in other directions. They definitely weren’t satellites.

Then on January 1, 2003, at 2AM, in the Anza Vista neighborhood of San Francisco, with a dozen other people around, we saw a flying saucer right above us, with a solid ring of blue light, a solid ring of green light, and individual red lights all along the edges of it. Someone there suggested it was on balloons at first. That’s when I noticed and pointed out all the low lying clouds around it were moving in a Southwesternly direction, while this flying saucer was slowly from the South towards us in a Northern direction until it almost stopped right above us. It just floated right above us for minutes. It was maybe 80 feet across and was about 200 feet above us. We had time to really take it in. Then it shot off towards the Pacific Ocean at incredible speed, and was gone in a heartbeat. It was very much like the movie Close Encounters. I waited my entire life to see something like that. Then it actually happened. And with twelve other witnesses present. It’s one of my favorite memories ever. 

Years later, when I lived in L.A., everyday before and after work I would ride my Vespa along Mulholland Dr. in the Hollywood hills and stop at a vista to take in the view above the Hollywood Bowl. You could see the Hollywood sign, downtown L.A., and out over the ocean. Maybe about twenty times I witnessed huge craft (cigar and ball shaped) just hovering over the ocean, just past the Long Beach shipping yards. It was always during the day. They would be just stationary in the sky for minutes, then there would be this hazy effect (like when you’re looking at the mirage like effect over a hot barbecue pit), and then they would vanish. Every time. Bus loads of tourists would get out, take in all things they wanted to see from there, and not even notice them. But if they weren’t distracted and looked at the sky off the coast, they would be in for a treat. Sometimes they noticed. Those L.A. sightings occurred for me between 2002 and 2005. So, to hear people say there is a UFO passageway under the water just off the coast of L.A. totally checks out with me. 

Part 2:

I have many spirit guides. The ones who I knew in this lifetime but passed away are the easiest for me to identify. The identity or names of some of my spirit guides have stayed fuzzy, but I know they are vetted by my higher self by their verified higher vibration and the quality of their messages. Many of the messages and advice I’ve received from them echo exactly what I hear from people who channel Pleadians and Arcturians. Like word for word to that which I receive. I sometimes go into the spirit world to seek guidance from ascended masters. And that advice I received was usually methods on how to better forgive myself and others and release lower vibrational aspects of myself. A lot of spiritual healing took place as a result of following my spirit guides advice. 

Each time I seek council with the Buddha his face is ever changing in my mind’s eye. Not all of those faces are human. Sometimes that are blue. One time when I asked a specific question about one of his lessons he transformed into a whale sized red (Chinese style) dragon as the conversation progressed. My impression was that these were all different incarnations and forms of his entity and different ones would come forth based on their expertise and interest in the current topic being discussed. His dragon form reminded me of the river spirit dragon in the movie Spirited Away. But it was much bigger, with gorgeous auric colors and emanated so much unfathomable unconditional love. 
